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Everything posted by VaJeff

  1. Tractor Supply and Wally World both have it for $10 a bag here.
  2. same all over Va. deer dont have to move much to eat. acorns are #1 food followed by grasses , corn or whatever else. with the temps.from 90 degrees down to 40's i think best bet is to be near water , catch them early or late .
  3. VaJeff


    Grim Reapers is what i shoot also.
  4. VaJeff

    Deer Scents

    I've had a few guys asking me about using stuff like Tinks 69,Trails end 307 and some others this early in bow season. I am no expert so i thought i would bring it up here. I know it's early, and the rut is a few weeks away, and the moon plays a part in this . So give your opinions, i will tell you that i do not use anything this early myself. thanx jeff
  5. VaJeff

    Va. first day

    been hunting too long to get down(25yrs) some days your the bug some days your the windshield :p
  6. Took my son for his first ever bow hunt . He is 13 and been going w/me since he was 5 . Well as it turned out , he had more action than i . A gang of turkeys came out 15 yrds. in front of him but he decided not to take one and later a hawk landed on a limb 3 ft. from him . All I had was one lone tree rat all day. Oh well, only the first day, many more to come. good luck to all , jeff
  7. I don't remember the show , but , i watched someone last year kill a hog with a pellett gun. dropped him right on the spot . it was one of those 1000 ft/sec jobs.
  8. So i guess then it's "the rest of U.S." against "Ohio"
  9. what is " Liquid Fat " ???
  10. VaJeff

    bear on film

    put up a camera on the farm i hunt and got pics of a momma bear and two cubs . she was not impressed. she came over to the cam and preseeded to open it up and chew on it .cam is ok , just wished it was something i could shoot . hope she goes away before season .
  11. 2007 Kaw Brute Force 650 4x4 and one of them chinese 4-wheelers 250 2x4 1977 Skeeter 15' bass boat
  12. just a thought , but , it can be thought of as "baiting" when you use any kind of attractant (doe pee,golden estrus, tinks 69 , etc... )