Never seen any problems with hunters using 243. I have seen more bad shots with larger cal rifles. As has been said a thousand times on this forum, shot placement is just as important or more so than the cal of rifle.
My brother let a young 6-pointer walk this past season numerous times only to see it in the back of a truck at deer camp. Too many older hunters have the mindset if it is brown it is down.
Looking at the ballistics I would think it would not be much good after 50 yards. If you could move up to a 20 ga due to the vast amount of choices of ammo.
I too have been hunting in NC for many years. I have nothing compared to that but it shows us the potential if we just let them grow. Where I hunt in Montgomery County we have too many poachers and hunters that shot anything that is brown to let something walk and grow another year. Last year on our hunting lease someone shot a 130 class buck that the taxidermist swore was a 1 1/2 year old buck. It did not weigh over 120 lbs. No one I know would have let that buck walk.