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About polarnut

  • Birthday 09/07/1955


  • Location
    Central NY
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  1. to all: thanks all and everyones input is valuable and warrants consideration. XT man, if we could control neighbors, i like your idea. We will (the 4 of us) look over everyone's input and maybe call the biologist, all great inputs from some very seasoned hunters. Thank You, by all means keep it going
  2. Thanks all-is exactly what i did again this morning-4 does came brousing at 7:00Am one wasnt interested in eating-she was hot and went off on her own. Half hour later a young 4PT came along on her trail and away he went after her, after i let himr go of course. Still waiting on the mature buck!
  3. Thanks Wtnjunt, that is what we are thinking, the deer are moving in and out all the time, so we believe it too depends on the doe Population. we are seeing some big healthy does, but not as many as we would like to see, but again they move in and out all the time. As for Dogdocs comments, if we tried to manage age harvesting, are neighbors do not and wont, they shoot anything that moves, so really its no feasible.
  4. Question is how many bucks are too many to take from a 250 acre hunting property with crop management? The property borders other farm properties and is typical of rural CNY area. A nice 7, two nice 6's and a scrub 5 taken already, and another 5 if you count the one shot 20yds off the property by a neighboring hunter and then killed by one our our hunters. We hunt 4 people on this property. No Doe taken yet. I hope to spark some interest here as I would love to here from you on this subject. Thank You,
  5. Beauty, and what a way to end the season!
  6. I get the same thing, thought it was a quirk. Guess others do it too
  7. wowser-i mean sir. That is one big Buck!
  8. What a great hunt, the kids will treasure memories like that. OH, and your friend, Congrats, what a beautiful Buck.
  9. I live in Phoenix NY, where the 3 rivers come together, the Oswego, the Oneida, and the Senaca. I hunt mostly around Fulton NY, town of Granby. Here is a pic of a stud i shot in 2001, 9 point, scores as a typical 8, 21" inside spread. His body was smaller than the buck on this blog
  10. Great set of pics. I have witnessed this twice myself and had wished i had a camera with me.
  11. This sounds exactly like 3 years ago for me, but i did see the arrow deflect on a small limb i did not kwow was in the way. It deflected back and up and went straight thru this nice big 8. Arrow entered just foreward of the right ham went straight thru and into the ground. After a 2 hr. wait, i had the exact same tracking results as you did, sickening feeling, but does happen. The deer i shot at also never layed down. 60lb, 29dl, three blade fixed Muzzy. Switched to Rage 2 blade after that and the next years buck went 40 yds, this years went 80 yds. In Muzzys defense last 2 years shots were placed where they should be, but i cant help but think the Muzzy did not cut as well as the deer never layed down and the arrow went straight thru him.
  12. Congrats, great story, Ive hit em back there and i know the feeling, (as I'm sure a lot of us have) I also think you are underscoring this buck. When its all said and done, lets us know the score!
  13. First off, congrats on your buck and picture of you sons, how great that must be to Share with. I had 3 Daughters and I could not convince one of them to hunt, they dont know what they are missing. I was on a high all morning that day, so putting this buck in the truck seemed easy at the time!, I know it wasnt!
  14. Thank You all, I might want to add as i mentioned in my original post, I have been reading this forum for a few years and finally joined in Dec. 10. There is incredible amount of info on this site/forum and everyone is very polite/respectful of others and its great to see in todays world. True Sportsmen and Women!
  15. Got in early yesterday, thought they would be moving here in CNY. 6:50 AM the first and biggest of 3 bucks comes by, 20yd. shot and right on. Watched 2 more bucks come by while the big one only went 80 yds and layed down. Big old slob for our area, 194lbs field dressed. I had not seen any bucks from my "Favorite" stand in 4 previous trips, but the signs of this guy were there!