We had someone drive thru our place last year and put up a tripod stand in the middle of our half section. I took pics of the track (snow on the ground) all the way in to the stand and pics of the stand itself. After that I disassembled it and moved it to another farm.
The jerkwad opened our gates, left them open and drove over another pasture fence getting to the stand location.
Look at the Marlin XL7 270. You can get them with the scope combo for around $330-$360, depends on where you buy. I have a couple of them and I can tell you right now that these rifles are shooters. They also come with adjustable trigger and use a savage barrel. For the money they are hard to beat.
Due to combat injuries I can't shoot my compound anymore, so this year I bought a Barnett Buck Commander.
For those of you who have been shooting for a while what broadheads are you using?
I would like to stick with a fixed 3 blade if possible since I still have several new ones.
Does it help to line up the blades with the fletch on these? Or does it really matter?
Do the fixed blade broadheads fly pretty close to the field points??
Three rifles come to mind right off the bat. Howa 1500, excellent rifle for around $450-$500. Marlin XL7 or XS7 for around $350 with the scope, excellent rifle if you float the barrel. Next is thte TC Venture, another excellent rifle.
I think I read this wrong the first time. If you heard that the guy is no longer doing taxidermy then I would be on his door step finding out it that were true, if so where is my deer.
What I have always heard was as long as the deer were free ranging they would eat natural food sources and feeding corn would have no ill effect since they would not really eat enough to cause any kind of imbalance in thier diet.
If I take mine to be mounted in Nov I usually don't get it back until June at the earliest. A lot of these guys send the cape off to have it tanned. Hope this helps.
That 10 is a nice buck, I think he should be in the mid to high 150's or low 160's. For sure a shooter if I were to see him on my place.
Good luck, hope you get a shot at that big boy. Might want to start setting out a feeder or something to keep him hanging around.
What I have seen so far with the drought is if you still have a water source fairly close then the deer will flock to your feeder.
I haven't stopped my feeders since last season, seems like the food sources are slim so I would say help them out, start running your corn.