i'm your huckleberry

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About i'm your huckleberry

  • Birthday 08/14/1964


  • Location
  • Occupation
    union member
  • Interests
    hunting, 4x4ing, lake trout fishing and watching Red Green,and Larry the cable guy
  • Biography
    my name is wayne

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  1. after a little net surfing i found cooper is the only company that makes this caliber, how are these rifles, are they well built?
  2. i'm with a couple of the other feed backs let the other yotes take care of it for you might even get another if your their at the right time.
  3. looking to buy a second rifle, 6.5-06 always keeps popping back into my mind. i am a hand loader so no problems for ammo. i like the bc and sd of the 264 bullets. any body have one or a friend with one would really like some feed back on this wildcat cartridge.
  4. my cousin has a 280 rem uses it for everything from gophers to moose, very accurate, you'll love it!
  5. I'm talking winter with snow,alberta experience, with a pig farmer throwing the ones that died in a pit. good trail coming in i mean every night use (you wouldn't want to go near this pit in summer , stink!). off tis pit i even bagged me a wolf, i give that to a taxidermist friend who done a life size for display purposes. a nice white with a lot of grey though it. Everything surshot is saying is true, coyotes also like to use cover for any movement fencelines, because there is usually tall grass on either side. knolls, there usually is a passage that the coyote almost instintively knows how to run those hills and dismals without ever being seen that's why they are good sets. the pre dug, all dogs like to dig and if there is food envolvled, another good set. the drag is the best coyotes been known to chew their foot off to get away . the drag slows him down and usually gets tangled up, use a 6 foot lead of barbed wire without the barbs between the trap and the 6 to 8 foot 2x2 drag, this will prevent foot chew off, wile E will still have movement of 6' even when caught up or tangled.
  6. winter is probably the easiest time to catch those mangey critters , find a well used trail that you are sure they are traveling ,then use a victor right in the middle of the path, if there is snow to prevent from freezeing use cattail fuzz. make a hollow in the path, put trap in cover with the cattail fuzz then take powdery snow and gentley sprinkle snow over the trap and fuzz to hide presence. with no snow hollow out the soil fuzz over trap then gentley cover fuzz with soil or leaves oil from a can of sardines gets them interested and also covers your scent. good luck
  7. tell you the truth haven't done a whole bunch of yodeldog hunting recently,the last time i did this they were slowed down with a 6' 2by 4 attached to a victor trap. yotes and magpies go together like peanut butter and jelly. try looking for at least a minimum of 4 magpies flying around, ok laugh but it worked for me . my reasoning for this is the magpies are bigger savengers than the yotes to stick around and they know the yotes nose will get them a free meal. yotes will usually come in and vacate through the valleys if you are in hills when they are unsure of anything,we are talking an animal that man has tried to exterminate for years but has never been very successful, not like the wolf. yotes are very unpredictable in there habits. try looking in places you would'nt expect to see them like sleeping on top of a round straw bale, shot one on top once when i went up to him its eyes were bugging out its head. pig farms are another good place to have a try around, because when a pig dies sometimes they put them into a pit if you have access to the land this is usually a honey hole, kinda like finding a school of walleye,but the pit will keep producing a yotes belly will always keep him coming back. don't know if you have ever heard look from right to the left, this is how you notice more because we read left to right and it's just a little to fast to notice every detail, ask any armed forces personal they train there people to do this for combat purposes i hope i have given you some tips here bro have fun perforating those furry critters.
  8. labs and lab x are good dogs for pheasant,spend time with it get it to chase the pheasant once it flushes the bird,dogs do run faster than pheasant, or if your other dog will chase that should get them in the air for you.
  9. IMHO try to stick with all natural scents they work the best, synthetics are hit and miss. I agree with what i've read here time of season is the key, also try to use them with a breeze anything down wind will pick up on it for sure ,and if the rut is on bucks are'nt thinking with the smart head.
  10. Alberta, Saskatchewan border area had fish and wildlife do a big round up so to speak, disposed of 2500 deer, out of those animals only 20 cases of CWD were found, the rest were all put into a pit and buried. From what i have gathered it is a close relative to mad cow. Could this be caused by a few farmers disposing of animal protein feed the wrong way? Maybe, maybe not. I was appaulled when i heard this. Could'nt the fish and wildlife have extended the season and give supplemental tags to reduce the population? In recent years this area has produced 180 to 200 class animals. I have seen these monster running around chasing does during the rut, but they always seemed to be on posted land. What a shame to destroy those genetics!
  11. i've had a nice ruko but very hard to put an edge on. my main knife now is a swiss army , i know laugh but edge goes on easy and stays, but the only draw back is the cutting the brisket for the field dressing. only reason for this is i forgot my knife at home and was black bear hunting, filled my tag and the swiss army come in handy that day,but had to sharpen it 4 times both blades it did the job though.
  12. since my last post on 10-25-2012 gas prices went down another 2 cents to1.069/liter, 4.06/ gallon.
  13. sorry to here of the problems you had with lowes, but is'nt that typical of large retailers, pull your pants down and bend you over the barrel. the wife and i are battling with our house insuance right now after a labor day fire in a different condo, we got smoke damage and they just take their sweet time with everything. (wawanesa for you canadian members) i heard state farm settled out in 30 days.
  14. Have freinds that hail from Manitoba, they always get nice ones. I know you will get more chances . Manitoba and Alberta are underrated with Saskatchewan getting all the attention. Anyway GOOD LUCK on your hunt. p.s my freind from Manitoba got one it was in the 160 to 170 class of buck,this was 3years ago now.
  15. i'm with every body else, anything that sounds good at the time. Lately had a hunger for southern rock lynard and molly mostly.