Mystery Hunter

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About Mystery Hunter

  • Birthday 04/17/1958

Mystery Hunter's Achievements


Spike (1/7)



  1. Congrats on your First Deer!! That is a nice buck to start out with also!! I guess your hooked for life now!!:clap:
  2. Yep, That will get the blood flowing on a cold crisp morning!! Does your Camera come in a 12 Gauge Zoom?? LOL!!
  3. This is my first attempt at a Euro Mount on my 9 point I got this year with my bow! What do you think?
  4. I have also seen this before. I believe that a dominit doe teaches its offspring by her own actions. Just like a mother teaches a child as they grow. I believe also that the gene pool also comes into play with animal dominance. From what I seen over the coarse of 40 years in the woods and hunting deer, the Offspring of a dominit doe will become the dominit deer in their area at some point in their life! Also if a Doe is killed that has fawns those fawns become cast aways and never become the dominit Doe! I have not realy studied this out but just have observed this to work out that way!! Good Topic Though!! Lets here what the rest think!!!
  5. Nice looking buck for sure! Looks like about a 21" Spread on him or better!
  6. Is the sheet metal rusted or are you just trying to prep it before priming and painting? For Rusted medal use a Meduim or Coarse blasting sand depending on the amount of rust. If only prep is needed just use a fine Sand. If taking off old paint go with a Meduim sand and then go back over it with a fine sand to prime and paint! Hope that helps!!
  7. Like everyone else! Turkeys that have been eduacated to blinds will shy away from them. But where I hunt you can place the blind out in a wide open spot and they will walk right up to it! I like to use one in nasty weather most often. I have a single one man blind I use for that when using my Shotgun or a Double Bull blind for bow hunting them.
  8. I agree! Do not use the glass beads on Aluminum. I also use the soda blasting for that!
  9. I like Building different Crazy things like these!!
  10. Nice Looking 6 point and great long shot!! Congrats!!
  11. That is some nice looking Bucks you got to go after next year!! That will also be some nice sheds to pick up this year! I have a Pie Bald Doe also on my place that made it through the season here! First one I seen around here in 15 years! Good Luck on your Shed Hunting!!
  12. I think he is right also. Go ahead with the conversion as I do not see the rates going down this year. If the conversion is only a fee of 350.00 Pay it off also instead of putting it onto your balance. You would be paying a fee to have it added on, in the form of Interest! Anytime you have an option of paying cash for a service, do it rather than adding it onto your loan. A penny Saved is a Penny earned!! Thats why you are going with a smaller fixed rate in the first place. To save Money and get payments lowered or pay it off earlier! I am not sure what your balance is your paying or will convert to the lower rate but should save a lot more than that 350.00 fee.
  13. It depends on what I am Blasting. I have a large bead Blasting Cabinet I use glass beads in and a Pot blaster that I use use Blasting Sand in for larger jobs like Trailers or machinery. The Blasting sand comes in different coarse sands for rough or finish blasting. I never use Sand Box Sand as it will cloag up your Gun and is not a consistant size. You can also use walnut shell media that comes in different coarses. I love my Glass bead blaster Cabinet for smaller projects like, Rifle barrels, Rifle parts and anything I want to blast up to about a 30" X 30" Size. Love the glass beads!
  14. I wonder if they do Humans? I was thinking about having my mother inlaw stuffed after she passes!:jaw:
  15. LMAO!! My gut hurts!! My wife is not laughing!! I am laughing harder!! OHH it hurts!!