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Everything posted by CoonChatter

  1. CoonChatter

    Deer Fever

    Im ready 4sure!!!!
  2. Never buy anything with a friend. Get the land split into two parcels and each pay for one, independent of the other. If you go in together, at some point, one of you is not going to like what the other wants to do and you will have a falling out and then trying to come up with a way to buy the other one out will suck. Best thing to do is not do it.
  3. I dont get it. 48+50+22=120 2/8" gross 120 2/8 - 4 4/8 = 115 6/8" net What am I missing to make it a 130" deer??? I don't see 130" at all on that first deer.
  4. Oh, I wasn't suggesting that he was not alive. Just hopes he Rest In Peace at home or where ever he will be since he will not be hunting with you. Sorry for the confusion. Glad he's not dead. But back to the thread. I am not going anywhere. I will be doin all my rootin' 'round and huntin' in good 'ol love valley.
  5. Good luck! I would love to hunt Colorado. I am sorry to hear of the loss of one of the guys in your group. May he RIP.
  6. There is nothing coming our way that will impact us. You will get more radiation flying in a plane from New York to LA than you will get from anything that might float over. The media is actually talking it up way more than it really is. You should go read and research the Nuclear Energy Institute as well as World Nuclear News.
  7. I turbo is just one more thing (well, a lot of little things) that can go wrong on a vehicle. Also, you will not have the low end power of the v-8. The turbo will spool up and engage as the RPMs go up so idling off a light to 2k rpms will be the power of a non turboed V6.
  8. plastic in meatballs?!? whoop-dee-doo. So, someone forgot to unwrap the meat before grinding it up and making the balls. I would just pull the plastic out of my mouth and comtinue to eat. I would not say that this one incident would make someone believe that "Diet Food = Bad for you".
  9. CoonChatter


    I like sliced taters, cut a hole in the middle of them, fill with hushpuppy mix and deep fry. Nothing better than a tater and hushpuppy in your mouth!
  10. I have the sportdog 400. It worked great until the K9 swam with it. It still works now, but only to a range of around 8 maybe 12 feet! I would buy it cash money so the wife cant track it and get a good waterfowler one for $250 or so.