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Everything posted by TheProvider

  1. that was found in some thick steep wet mountains. The forests around Squamish BC are almost considered rainforest.... not uncommon for us to get 50+mm of rain a day
  2. i'm on another forum that is fairly busy. I've realized quickly on this forum that theres not many post specially from the canadian side.
  3. that's the great thing about bows. you can get brand new bows from the following year for a great deal. If you like bowtech don't be afraid to look at diamond
  4. TheProvider Team #2 Finds 12/11-2/10/12 3 sets 4 rights 3 lefts If they look funny to some of you it's because there blacktails sheds from BC Canada. I don't have pics of all of them in the woods but I do have it all on film if theres any doubters [ATTACH=CONFIG]11545[/ATTACH]
  5. Hi, guys New member and team player. Will post my pics up in the photo entry. Heading out tomo for a shed hunt.
  6. ALot of blacktails here have slit g2's
  7. New to the forums. See the canadian thread is pretty dead so I thought I'd try to livin it up
  8. Just a short vid. Wasn't planning on filming so its pretty sloppy with an old camera with no zoom. Spot and stalk. Anyways enjoy.
  9. same I've never shot a martin, I shoot pse. Try and get to a shop and shoot one yourself. There really isn't any "bad" bows on the markets now a days. The only bad bow is one that doesn't fit you properly or feel right in your hands.
  10. I've heard the odd person having troubles with them. No matter what though any product no matter how good will never be 100%. I use rage 2 blade. I have however sent a muzzy between the lungs and spine of a doe. Searched and searched and never found it.
  11. [ATTACH=CONFIG]11531[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]11532[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]11533[/ATTACH] check out the thread "2012 Blacktail Shed Hunting" for the movie link
  12. [ATTACH=CONFIG]11526[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]11527[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]11528[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]11529[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]11530[/ATTACH] a few to start, thanks stone cold I'll send turkeygirl a msg. I'll post a few more pics and the link to my movie of ther first part of the season
  13. give them 2-3yrs and they'll make for a cple nice shooters
  14. Hi, New to the forums. Just wondering if you guys have a yearly contest and if Canadians are allowed haha. I love to shed hunt, have 14 so far since jan 2012 and the bucks are just starting to drop them. Anyways any info would be appreciated thanks
  15. I highly recommend them. Vancouver Island blacktails differ from the mainland ones in BC. Just like they differ from the ones in Oregon. Hard to beat their racks. I love the mass and character. Its a bonus knowing when your hunting in some of these rugged mountains that a lot of them have never been seen by a human I'd like to get out and hunt coues sometime.
  16. Mountains out my front door and mountains out my back door
  17. Awesome funds!!! Got me pumped up to get out again. However its a lil bit different shed hunting here in BC in the mountains for blacktails hehe. A lot of bucks here are still carrying, just starting to get trail cam pics of bald bucks
  18. A good season in Squamish BC Canada for blacktail. Took a mature buck with the muzzleloader at 60 yrds while still hunting. Passed up lots of young bucks. Seen plenty of does(no season for them) Spent the last two weeks of the season looking for a blacktail that had a huge track compared to the other deer in my honey hole. Hopefully find his sheds.
  19. Everyone has bad season, all part of hunting and the way I see it when you pass up deer then you can't complain. Last year I didn't shoot a deer but I did pass some small bucks up. This year I filled one of two buck tags and was plenty happy with my mature blacktail.
  20. great buck, love the palmation and heavey mass
  21. try to shoot as many of the bows mentioned as you can. then make your choice of what fits and feels best to you
  22. Just wondering how many of you guys are out there? I live in Squamish BC Canada and absolutely love hunting them. I think their prolly one of the hardest deer to hunt with the terrain they live in and their smarts. Here in Squamish they love the steepest thickest rock bluffs. Seeing a mature buck is a challenge. But man do they get gnarly racks in their old age.
  23. I haven't shot an assassin yet but I've heard great things about them. With you shooting a 10yr old bow you'll definately notice some big changes. Goodluck with your choice