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About pinkcamogirl13

  • Birthday 10/24/1982


  • Location
    Fort Pierre, South Dakota
  • Occupation
    Correctional Officer

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  1. What size arrows do I need??? HELP!!! Thanks again for all the info..I spent over 2 hours at an archery shop this weekend. I learned so much about shooting and arrows. I will be headed back before hunting season to get the proper hunting arrows and I need to change a few things on my bow. Now it's just time to practice shooting and getting my form correct.
  2. What kinda bow do you have? 2011 Bowtech Heartbreaker!
  3. what's your favorite rifle? I just bought a Browning X-Bolt .308 with stainless fluted barrel and carbon stock. I plan on putting the Nikon .308 scope with the BDC reticle.
  4. I ended up with Carbon Express 250 Hot Mayhem in pink...Thanks for all the help!!
  5. Does anyone here.....? I just orders the Insanity workout program....hopefully it works as well as the commercials show!
  6. Bow or Gun hunting I'm bow hunting for the first time this I will have to say gun hunting!
  7. Dinner tonight I'm making a quick dinner for a coworkers family this evening. His grandfather...who taught him everything about hunting...passed away this morning. He is 12 hours from his family and taking it very hard. We work as Correctional Officers in a we depend on each for everything.
  8. What is the meaning of your user name? Mine is because I love pink and camo...and pink camo! The number 13 was always my number in sports. I had to add a girly touch to my user name.
  9. About 4 years ago, my husband and I decided to move froma very metropolitan area to CentralSouth Dakota. We chose to do that because of our love of hunting and fishing.It was the best decision we ever made. Yes..costs are rising, but I will hunt and fish as long as I live. From the joy of checking game cameras to seewhat deer we have available to harvest to having fresh backstraps for supper…inmy option..there is no price you can put on that. I will never forget that moment when I shotmy first deer and seeing the pride in my dad’s eyes or when I seen thewhitetail for the first time that now is on my wall, or the rush I got when Icame over a bluff this fall and seen my first mule deer’s horns in the sun orthe joy my dog has when she brings me a pheasant that I just shot. Tags, equipment, and gas are expensive…memoriesare priceless!!!
  10. Thanks for all the help....I have another quesion...I was looking at some arrows on ebay...They were Ted Nugent Gold Tip 3555 Pink Carbon Arrows Raw Shafts...Are these okay??
  11. I haven't changed anything on the bow...and it feels correct where its at so I will say 25...
  12. I am new to bowhunting. I recently bought a Bowtech Heartbreaker. It has a 25" draw length and up to 60lbs. I currently have it set at about 50. I do not have an a good archery shop in the area so I was going to order some arrows. I'm not sure what size I need....PLEASE HELP!! (PS...I'm hoping to find some pink arrows!! :yes:
  13. Hunting or Fishing Depending on the weather...I will take either!! As long as I'm outdoors!!!
  14. What was you high school mascot and colors? Tiger.... Red, white and black
  15. I agree that diet and working out are number one!! Use a 100% Whey Protein and vitamins. My husband and I both use the Vita-Paks from GNC..I use the Active Women and he uses the Men's Sport. I get protein from Wal-Mart. The best recipe I have found is 1 cup milk, 1 cup frozen fruit, 1 tablespoon flax seed and 2 scoops protein..blend together. I have this almost every day. I'm down 20 lbs in November and now in the process of building muscle mass.