About 4 years ago, my husband and I decided to move froma very metropolitan area to CentralSouth Dakota. We chose to do that because of our love of hunting and fishing.It was the best decision we ever made. Yes..costs are rising, but I will hunt and fish as long as I live. From the joy of checking game cameras to seewhat deer we have available to harvest to having fresh backstraps for supper…inmy option..there is no price you can put on that. I will never forget that moment when I shotmy first deer and seeing the pride in my dad’s eyes or when I seen thewhitetail for the first time that now is on my wall, or the rush I got when Icame over a bluff this fall and seen my first mule deer’s horns in the sun orthe joy my dog has when she brings me a pheasant that I just shot. Tags, equipment, and gas are expensive…memoriesare priceless!!!