Hungry Horse

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About Hungry Horse

  • Birthday 12/23/1948


  • First Name
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  • Location
    s/w Pa
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    retired, former Chemical lab tech, salesman, gov employee
  • Interests
    Big game hunting rifle and bow
  • Biography
    49 years hunting, small game big game, archery and rifle, love hiking the rockies, fishing, photography. Have seen most of the western National Parks, Glacier Yellowstone Grand Tetons, RMNP, Rainier, Mt Hood Mt St Helens and Tenn Smokie Mtn NP.
  • user_name_impex
    Hungry Horse

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4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. Steve HI sorry I just saw this in 2022. NO I am out of s/w Pa I am Charlie's friend who had contributed to the possible Realtree elk camp in 2017 I believe. It never materialized though. I do not have a paper booklet for Coloradosince then, so I cannot speak with accuracy. There may have been changes since 2017. Will Nelson with whom is host for the Elkatraz hunt camp whuch Ckarlie use to hunt with sometimes, will be in Pagosa Springs in 2022, and it was a draw for archery elk I believe in 2022. Just a heads up on that potential hunt group It is to late to apply anymore for 2022. HH Richard
  2. Don't you live & hunt in Durango?  Is that a general elk area? Or do you need to draw for 1st season bulls? I'm at [email protected]. I just don't get on here much any more. Have no idea why.  Steve

    1. Hungry Horse

      Hungry Horse

      HI Steve:  5/28/20  Sorry it took me so long to see this.  Not on much anymore.   I live in s/w Pa.  I only have hunted Colo in Oct- Nov  1970, when stationed at Ft Carson Colo.    1st and 4th rifle season in Colo for elk is always a" Draw" tag.  I do miss hunting Colo and have been their several times...  but on ski trips and vacations with the girlfriend.  I only know Colo hunting through my computer research,  scouting trips on fall vacations,  and Colo hunting friends that share info with me.  I have researched  the western states for over 20 years hoping to get back out for an elk hunt. As... I did here back in 2016 I think, with Charlie's... Silvertip thread...  I try to help other out of state hunters with good information to help them be successful...  and  not experience... just a camping trip.    Best to you & yours and good health to you... in Wyo & Alaska  !  HH

  3. Also... if your read down, see the comments from residents and long time Non residents on hunting in Colo with discussion on elk and deer. Apply for your account early.... to work out problems and be registered. Colorado Deer tags are all Draw. Elk are a combination of Draw for limited Units and OTC for 2nd and 3rd rifle bull tags This year application are all paperless, and all application will be done via the internet. NO mail in paper applications in 2018. Application accepted March 1 through April 3 2018. HH
  4. Moon phase discussion, what states to apply for with higher kill success, and insider information from Go with $50..00 gift card for store purchases with purchase of Insider membership. HH
  6. Please read the NEW updates for the Colorado Big Game Hunting deadline of April 3 2018
  7. Congratulations Hoytshooter ! Great tracking job and sticking to the task at hand to locate blood and then the long difficult tracking job to recover your buck on the neighbor's property. Also kudos to you for calling the neighbor and asking for permission to enter his land. The 30/30 Win has taken many deer, and I hope it continues to serve you well. HH
  8. Here is a REAL backcountry elk hunt ! A bowhunt for elk in rough country in of the best videos I have seen ! Enjoy ! 43 minutes long . HH
  9. Looks like Unit 80 & Unit 81 are doing well from Colo Dow. Read the report as Colo residents sound off on elk populations to DOW. HH
  10. Found a thread that might be an eye opener for Unit 54 in the West Elk Wilderness. It is pretty disappointing for hunting results. Sure some folks score but on a general consensus... it is crowded, even in the Wilderness area. Please read through the thread and form your own opinon. Now... a lot of the fellows were archery hunting, but many also rifle hunted the area in the past. Perhaps Units 53, 63, and 521 are not so crowded, but I imagine they have lots of hunters also. Respectfullly submitted. HH Richard PS scroll up to the beginning of the thread.
  11. pointing_ dogs: Great photos, friends and hunts. Very nice photos there. Glad you had a chance to enjoy your medical leave, and were successful on your hunts. Hope the healing & recovery goes well. HH
  12. Some terrain photos of mountain bike riders by the "Castles", Swampy pass, and the Anthracite Mtn range all along CR 737Ohio Pass Rd in Unit 54 not far from Gunnison Colo. HH
  13. Happy Memorial Day to the members, vets, and our fallen soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice ! HH
  14. LOL... Ok last one, a video of Unit 81 over Platora reservoir and the Continental Divide in the distance for the Tenn boys ! HH