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About Cole14bowhunting

  • Birthday 02/28/1998


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  • Interests
    baseball,football,hunting,fishing,mud ridin.
  • Biography
    i love hunting espically bowhunting. i got a diamond razer edge at 60 pounds and 24 inch draw with 100 grain swhacker broadheads.
  • user_name_impex
    diamond razer edge

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6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. youth bowhuntin Hey y'all sorry I ain't been on here in a long time!!!
  2. youth bowhuntin Hahaha yep when do y'all get out for Sumer??
  3. broadheads Hahaha thanks but I also shot a coyote with one and bent in the coyote to
  4. swamp man Mitchell Guist passed away I've taken pics with them like a month ago so it's hard to realize he's gone... I lived an hour from him. The show will never be The same
  5. broadheads Rage is bad..plain and simple mine bent badly when I shot it into a broadhead target I will never get them again. I use swhacker and love them!!
  6. Dog talk! I have a 15 week old beagle she can sit and come I've been working with squirrel huntin with her she loves playin with them when there dead but she just won't chase them so yea and her name is Dixie
  7. Has anybody seen the new show duck dynasty!? With the duck commander people in it! It's the most awesome show ever!
  8. youth bowhuntin Ha we lost and I didn't get to go cuz we had to go to this barbecue if was good and Sunday my bro had a game and church but what did y'all do this weekend did y'all have fun!?(:
  9. youth bowhuntin Sounds fun Caleb wish I could come and I'm got out state championship baseball game!(: wish us luck and maybe train my pup a lil and might even go squirrel huntin with my pup cuz we have a may squirrel season!!
  10. youth bowhuntin No I didn't and our season is over now!!
  11. Cole14bowhunting


    Spaghetti Hahahah
  12. youth bowhuntin Oh sorry to hear that and my uncle already promised it to his grand son and now in lookin at a Honda big bear 350 1991 he is sellin for 550 I already got 150 so just need to come up with the rest
  13. yep it's my uncles that needs some cleanin up and a new battery so I was gonna use it as a summer project it would be so awesome!!
  14. youth bowhuntin Haha I'm workin on gettin my own fourwheeler!