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OKstate last won the day on January 31 2017

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About OKstate

  • Birthday 07/25/1984


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  • Location
    Central Oklahoma
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Outdoors, Sports

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6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. Nothing going on around here.... nice cold front came through today but Im staring at the computer instead of climbin a tree. Hopefully I can get out in the next few days, but looks like this will be another year for mostly gun hunting for me.
  2. Looks like a good start!! I haven't found a single bone yet, but hopefully this weekend will be better.
  3. I love a happy ending, especially when some punk gets caught in the act!
  4. OKstate

    The Deer Detective

    That's Awesome!! Congrats on finding the head and I am sure even if it is a little delayed, your son will still be grateful for the experience!
  5. Nice pics, Alaska is on my bucket list of destinations, just have to find time (and$$$) to get it done!! Looks like a great trip.
  6. That sounds like the same story that was being told around here.... denied their existence for many years and have recently changed their tune with trail cam pics and confirmed sightings and one incident that I know of where one was hit by a car.
  7. I can't imagine having to deal with wolves...... we are just starting to see some mountain lions in the area, but they have had a limited impact that I have noticed.
  8. OKstate


    That looks pretty tasty! We do crawfish a couple times a year, just never had that many done at one time.
  9. This is the biggest 8 I have harvested to date. I had a few pics of him on the trail cam at night throughout early fall. He showed up early on opening day of rifle here in OK, but managed to stay well out of my range all morning. After spending midday watching the osu cowboys beat TCU, I decided to slip down into the trees where I had seen him that morning. After about an hour of enjoying the quiet woods, a doe come slipping through the treeline to the east and the 8pt was close behind followed by a couple more does and a younger 8pt. He stopped about 80 yds out and I deciding that was about as long as I needed to wait for a shot. He went down quickly and the other deer didn't even know what happened. They stayed around until my wife brought the UTV down to pick him up.
  10. I agree, he is much larger than the first pic showed! Great name, good luck!
  11. I hadn't heard that, but hope that is not the case!
  12. OKstate

    1rst Fan

    April 6 cant come fast enough!!
  13. This pic is of my cousin and his first buck.... he is almost out of the "youth" category, but we have been working on getting him his first buck for many years. I started taking him when he was 10 and he shot his first doe at 14. When he started driving he was allowed to go on his own, but never had much luck (or very much patience!!!) But he finally got it done and got a really nice buck. He shot this deer in the chest as it was quartering towards him at about 100 yds. It left very little blood and the trail was difficult to follow, but after a couple hours or searching we found the trail and located the buck about 80 yds from where he shot.
  14. Very nice! I wont even start looking for another month or so.