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Everything posted by mgreene18

  1. I dont sit in my stands until the first hunt of the season as well, besides i dont ever have time right now because i spend every saturday bass fishing haha
  2. but yet people are upset over gun control, yeah last time i checked criminals dont follow the law and if they're crazy enough to kill they will find a way to get it. meanwhile if we we are walking around with no guns, we are nothing more than fish in a barrel to them
  3. seems like our "fearless" (cough cough) president knows how many people are not too happy with him
  4. green stuff thats my best guess from the picture haha
  5. If vince young can keep his dang mouth shut i'm hoping my eagles take it against the pats
  6. well thats a shot below the belt to my 8 point haha great buck!
  7. Wow surprising to hear you think my clemson boys have a shot this year, we dont hear championship talk around here very often hahaha
  8. mgreene18

    CO Shooting

    save money, take him out back and find a tree, let your imagination do the rest
  9. I don't think anyone has said anything about this yet but i'm sure you've all heard about the shooting in colorado, its hard to believe we live in a world where sick people like this live. 12 innocent lives took for no reason
  10. Very sad news. Not many people today have half of the values and morals that this man had
  11. our forefathers are rolling in their grave right now...didn't think i'd see this day come.
  12. over 100 degrees and the only thing i have on my mind is chilly mornings deer hunting, college football, and bonfires. Am I the only one feeling this way? haha
  13. cant really post a good aerial shot, tried once before and all you can see is trees. If it was marshy i wouldnt make a big deal but there are some parts that i would guess at least 5ft deep.
  14. probably just poor planting then haha
  15. My family has been hunting the same property for the past meh 9 years? the last few years we have seen a lack of production since the owner of the property cut down several trees and last year we didn't even see one. well we believe we can safely point the finger at the beavers. They dammed up a river back in there and now the property is halfway filled with swamp land. Where they dammed it up is the same area where deer have been known to walk. This might be the last year we lease this land because we have gotten very aggrevated with the production. Is there any way i can fix this situation other than putting on some waders and walk through the swamp with a shotgun?
  16. That was denny hamilin i believe? But yeah it was good to see jr finally win even though my boy came in second
  17. Cinnamon. pretty looking coat on that fella though
  18. I'd vote for her in a heartbeat
  19. mgreene18

    Spring bear down

    Simply said, the best form of negotiation hahaha
  20. i have the same problem with my 2000 chevy, it randomly comes on and off i just haven't had the time to play with it and try to figure it out. not a major issue to me just annoying
  21. being on that show would be a dream job...Me and my fiance were in a movie theater when a preview of this show came on before it aired and she looked at my reaction and busted out laughing
  22. mgreene18

    Spring bear down

    Nice looking Bear!
  23. Glad to see that you're doing okay. I had no idea that happened to you. God has certainly placed his hand upon you
  24. down on my property we have found truck and 4wheeler tracks all over the place. A few times we have found shotguns shells when we all use rifles for deer hunting. A couple years ago we were sitting by the truck eatin lunch and listening to a college football game when we saw a couple of kids with the whole thug mentality walking past us. We asked what they were doing and they just said walking around and kept on walking towards the exit of the property. We also had an old man pull up by the gate and didnt see us til we approached him. He said he was looking for his dog then quickly turned around no questions asked and left. It amazes me how disrespectful people can be to someone who pays good money to hunt and they walk in like they are entitled to it. You're lucky you had DNR show up, ive heard stories which ended with guns bein drawn
  25. nice truck, i've always loved dakotas. pretty reliable from what i've heard