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About WStreblo

  • Birthday 05/26/1983


  • Location
    Eastern Ohio
  • Occupation
    Freight Train Conductor
  • Interests
  • Biography
    I am a die hard bowhunter and I've been after it since I was young. Im on a mission to hunt as many of the 29 Super Slam animals as I can.

WStreblo's Achievements


8-Pointer (4/7)



  1. I'm looking for an arrow in between the FMJ and the Hexx.
  2. I am looking for the best of both worlds in an arrow. I cant shoot anything other than Easton arrows, but I shoot the Full Metal Jackets for down range stability and retained kinetic energy but also shoot the Hexx arrows for flat out speed. Looking for an arrow in the middle of that spectrum. I am looking at the Easton A/C/C Pro line....any suggestions?
  3. Ain't goin to lie, the newer bowtechs are pretty sweet compared to the comparable Hoyt bows out there. I got the sucker flinging them decent. Still get a kicker here and there so some finer tuning is needed. Almost shot the dag gum thing with my turkey gun it had me so ticked off last night. I was paper tuning in the basement and actually blasted a FMJ right through the block target and into the cinder block. The ole lady don't need to know none of that so let's just keep it on the DL. I walk back tuned it and atleast it's a start...
  4. I bought the QAD. I'm paper tuning here in the basement and got a left tear I can't get rid of. In the last month I've had nothing but troubles. I got a new string and the bow is 100% in specs but still can't seem to fling an arrow true. I've tried arrows on both end of the spectrum from my FMJs (455gr) to my Easton Hexx arrows (380gr) and can't seem to put one straight. My rest is as far as I can move it... Bout to shoot my bow with a shotgun....
  5. Which one is prefered the most by y'all?
  6. Just mounted my Tek Hybrid 5 pin sight on my Hoyt. Love the sight so far but haven't put it thru anything more than 20 yard shots. I'm wondering if anyone else has this sight and if so can anyone give me some idea as to how to maximize this sucker out to its full potential.
  7. They put a few twists in the string to get everything to specs... Within 30 shots it was back out of time. New string is being made and should be back to shooting by the weekend. Good luck on the bow work Dan
  8. If it doesn't go thru Ohiobucks shoot me a pm and I will take it
  9. I don't believe I ever really stop scouting. During turkey season I'm watching the deer, what they are eating where they are bedded, what times they enter and leave fields. When I'm out looking for coyotes I still watch the deer, but I do slow down some in the summer when it's really hot. I will hang cams on some creek trails and watch travel patterns to water.
  10. Thanks for the input fellas, once I get home from this road trip I will see what I can find out and let y'all know. DbHunterNY it's the vector I got from you last year. It was shooting great then one day I could tell something wasn't kosher. Thought I was doing something with my form but realize now the bow itself worked out of time and tune. I did call the pro shop and their first call was a new string is needed based on how much I shoot... If that's all that was needed I'd do it but I think there's still more to it.
  11. Having an issue with the bow here. Was having some erratic arrow flight and the speed just dropped. Couldn't figure out what was going on... After looking it over it was a mess. Cam lean was bad, string stretched, timing was off, axle to axle and brace height was out of specs... Got all that back to perfect and speed sky rocketed up big time. 310fps (gained 24fps from before bow tuning) however, shooting here at the house where I could really really focus on the arrow flight I noticed they are still corkscrewing or fishtailing down range only not on every shot. I can't figure it out.... Anyone???
  12. Me and technology are not friends. You hand me a gps and I'd prolly throw it over the hill. I put boots on the ground and study a lot of aerial maps and topography maps to get a view of the land. I'm sure I'd love to learn the functions of a gps or other technological advances but... The capability wasn't bred into me
  13. I was always told that if you wax the serving it can actually loosen your serving and cause you problems. My Hoyt is actually in the shop for some cam lean and timing issues. I'm looking at a string replacement this year myself. Noticing my speeds dropped a fair amount and my arrows were flying erratic.
  14. Ohio long beards are gonna get their faces caved in... On the countdown to spring turkey season opener
  15. I bought a new bow last year and the year before... I'm good on bows for awhile. If I bought another one now the ole lady would probably kill me with it