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About mhampel82

  • Birthday 03/18/1982

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  1. To open or not to open... I like the idea three above. Kill and bird and put them together.
  2. Nice job bits always nice when you work at a good hunt.
  3. late hunt? Ok thanks guys for the help. One of the places I am planning on huntjng is the edge of a food ploy where they have been eating. I also put out tinks good idea?
  4. So I'm going hunting this weekend in mo and I was wondering any suggestions for hunting this late.
  5. Holy wounded hitlist With the more hunting gets popular I'm noticing that more deer are getting just wounded. I think because more and more people are hunting who have no clue what the **** they are doing. Crazy dumb rednecks. I practice all year so when I shot it is dead not wounded. A lot of guys don't.
  6. mhampel82


    Missouri I hunt at my uncles in mo. Going back in a week with my bow. .
  7. mhampel82


    Pigman I'm not a pig hunter but I think pigman is so funny. I watch it just because he's funny.
  8. your snacks? Guys thanks so much this helps put a lot. I like the squirt bottle idea. I'm going to have to pick a Camo one up at wal Mart or I justly have to go to bass pro. O darn . Thanks again guys.
  9. So last year I kind of just sat for hunting a few hours then came home. This year I'm going to be doing most all day sits. What are some good snacks for that ? Also I don't have a big backpack to put a bunch of crap.
  10. Scent elimination Well I am the same way. There are a lot Of things that are just so gimmicky for hunting and scent control crap is one of them. All I do is spray before I go into the field and I have my stuff in bags the rest of the time. I do shower down sometimes but not all the time. So I say yes tons little scent control and no to the gimmicks.
  11. stolen cams? Thanks. I like the dummy can idea. I may try it. I just don't get how he has lost so many cams out on his land. It is thick woods and not easy to get around to some of the places but he has gotten a lot of cams stolen and I would like to know what I am hunting for. So I'll try some of these ideas ad let you know how they work thanks again.
  12. On my uncles land he has gotten a lot of trail cams stolen. I'm wanting to put some out but don't want them stolen. Any thoughts on this?
  13. Hey, All My Bow Hunting Brothers & Sisters...... Oct 1 for me as well. I can smell the blood now. .
  14. Plots coming in nicely Look good. I'm hoping that out at one of the places I go look the same but because of the heat I'm doubting it.
  15. mhampel82


    pins? Thanks guys. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks.