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Everything posted by onlyprettier22

  1. Back from Disney Prayers for your little one! Hopefully your next vacation doesn't have that much excitement lol.
  2. That's a really good idea!! I like that.
  3. Thank you Adjam5! I probably wouldn't have realized that the prices changed with age. I will have to check into the Iowa lifetime deals.
  4. 535 - that is good news to hear! The hubby and I are both taking one soon and hoping to see lots of young people there as well I definitely agree that introducing kids to the sport is a great way for them to grow up with a piece of heritage as well as bonding with family and friends that they can hunt with! I know my future children will be hunters!
  5. Working as of right now. Worked 11 hours Monday and yesterday so coming in today at 12:30 was really nice! Saw my little brother off on his last first day of school this morning. Can't believe he's a senior already! Time flies... :yes:
  6. Lol! "For some" are the key words! Not necessarily you. Some people just post some really dumb threads and comments in order to be more than a fawn. Kinda lame in my book!
  7. Just finished the "How to be an Ethical and Responsible" section and read this: Then there are ethical issues that are just between the hunter and nature. For example, an animal appears beyond a hunter’s effective range for a clean kill. Should the hunter take the shot anyway and hope to get lucky? Ethical hunters would say no. [h=2]The Hunter's Ethical Code[/h]As Aldo Leopold, the “father of wildlife management,” once said, “Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching—even when doing the wrong thing is legal.” The ethical code hunters use today has been developed by sportsmen over time. Most hunting organizations agree that responsible hunters do the following. Respect natural resources Respect other hunters Respect landowners Respect non-hunters Couldn't have said it better myself!! I think things like this get forgotten and a refresher course is in order for some hunters.
  8. Agreed! haha this thread just made my day!
  9. Hahah I was thinking this same thing while scrolling through!
  10. Yep thought most would agree with this! Lots of useful and just plain interesting facts about the very first bows and such. Glad to hear that 535! I think the hubby and I are going to sit in on a class this year just for fun so I better get to crackin' on my online course!
  11. I was supposed to have my first day of classes today but instead I am working an 11 hour shift AGAIN. I'm moving into the Distance Ed. Program through my college so that I can work full time and do my classes online through webcam! Pretty neat what technology can do for ya! (Even though I'm not a huge fan of what its doing to our society! But that's a whole different subject, lol.) Good luck with classes everyone!
  12. Went to Yellowstone a couple years back and absolutely loved it! Stayed in Teton, Wyoming and drove through Teton National Park to get to Yellowstone. Most beautiful country I have EVER been in. Love to live around there someday! Hope you had on your vacation!
  13. Hey now! Some of us enjoy all the things that you men like too!
  14. I'm taking my course online since I already know more than most newcomer hunters thanks to my hubby. I was thinking, a refresher course for some might be a good thing. There's really a lot of info in these courses that hunters disregard or look-over completely. Sometimes its good to stop and think before you hunt in case your missing something big or small! Just a friendly reminder or food for thought
  15. Saw a buck on the way to work this morning! 'Bout hit Tyler's truck in front of me because of the fog on my windshield lol but we think it was the buck that we named Trash because of his weird rack. Super exciting
  16. Gotta agree with my hubby! Country is the way to go, although he does listen to a lot of rock too! Don't let him fool you
  17. Such a sad thing to hear but glad you guys could find a happy ending through that! Good luck with Reese! She's adorable
  18. Took the words right out of my mouth! Finding a tree with something besides the sky in the background will help out a lot because the deer will not be able to see you as well if there is more to look at.
  19. That is awesome! I am really jealous lol I want a log cabin house or old farm house SO bad! Should be happening in a few more years
  20. We use the sugar beet mineral by The Crush with Lee and Tiffany Lakoski. The deer love it! Little baby fawn on the trail camera couldn't get enough!
  21. contraceptives banned? I didn't think so but didn't want to assume my friend was wrong lol. Thanks everyone!
  22. Heard that Romney is wanting to ban contraceptives?! Can't find anything about it online but a friend told me that she saw it on the news recently. Anyone know about it?