Bama boy

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About Bama boy

  • Birthday 10/16/1996


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  • Interests
    Hunting,fishin,and welding
  • Biography
    Love huntin,muddin,fishin,outdoors,andwelding
  • user_name_impex
    Bama boy

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  1. we got it stuck lol U got it stuck pretty good take it easy though i just had to replace a drive shaft in my jeep by doing the same stuff
  2. end of season news Ya you aint kiddin the iphone layout dont have the swype and im just startin to get used to this phone.
  3. end of season news My bad on the spelling still getting used to the iphone layout. I went from a driod to a iphone.
  4. Well to close the deer swason out i lilled a 4 pt,5 pt and a 8 pt this season also got till kill a coyote.
  5. Mission Ballistic I bought the mission venture and i love it is a sweet shooting bow. I shot the ballistic also but wanted a solo cam bow instead of a dual cam bow.
  6. Bama boy


    Was wondering if anyone has good results from the swacker broad heads?
  7. Bama boy

    1 month

    Just 31 days till bow season kicks off in alabama. Been preparing and shooting alot. Ready fer it to get here.
  8. Thanks Thanks and I live in cullman.
  9. Remington I shoot remington cor-locks and the will make a huge whole
  10. Grade Im 15 ill be 16 in a month and im in the 10th grade
  11. Lucky your pretty lucky being home schooled. I like going to hang out with friends though. We go back this monday. Dont want to but have to.
  12. Tell u Ill tell u what it is tomorrow my uncle is a lead machenic at toyota and a dang good one to ill ask him and post what he says.
  13. I use a climber and was wondering when blindly hunting a area what should I look for before picking a tree and climbing it?