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About N8J

  • Birthday 07/27/1990


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  1. N8J


    How's everyone's year going this year trapping?
  2. tappin Anyone do any trapping how's the year going so far?
  3. Scent Lok vs. Under Armour Anyone have a log 6 ozone maker I literally don't have to wash my clothes ever put them in tote turn on ozone and they are perfect I took a shirt from the bar just to see if it actually worked after running ozone couldn't even tell I wore if to a smoke infested bar
  4. pa rut ? They are chasing now just gotta get one to come by
  5. N8J

    ridge reaper

    ridge reaper Thanks really appreciate it
  6. pa rut ? Have 500+ pics on scrape 10 different bucks 3 shooters o yea that's in less than a week
  7. N8J

    ridge reaper

    Any have this under amour ridge reaper gear lookin at gettin it just wanted to know what everyone thought about it!
  8. pa rut ? Next week!
  9. N8J

    buck fever

    Been using buck fever scents this year with pretty good results tons of deer coming in and checking out the scrape I made just no shooters yet! Anyone else have luck with scents this year and what did ya use?
  10. N8J

    Ohio rut

    Headed to south eastern Ohio Friday for a week to hunt deer! Anyone know if the rut is kicking out there any tips or advice?
  11. N8J

    hurricane sandy

    hurricane sandy Yea I hope so centre county pa myself
  12. What do you think the effects of this will be on the hunting we are suppose to get 5 inches of rain!!! What's everyone think!?
  13. N8J

    shoulder pain

    shoulder pain Thanks everyone I did this almost 5 years ago I stopped taking meds only when it's 10 on the pain scale I take some! Hunting season just started in PA would like to wait till its over haha!
  14. Anybody in PA seeing any rutting activity? Went out with pap for the senior rifle hunt saw a decent buck chasing doe! Hopefully next week with temps lower they will get moving! Good luck PA boys!
  15. N8J

    shoulder pain

    I am right handed and my right shoulder is just killing me I can hardly pull my bow back! it grinds and is almost always in constant pain had x-rays and came back nothing wrong. Anyone have any ideas? I have taken pain meds but nothing really helps!