Politics like religion is full of partisanship and BS. There is always enough of both to go around. Anyway so much for the phone issue.
The VP debate will be next, on this coming Thur 10/11/2012.
It will be interesting to see Biden and Ryan. They are both from the Senate and accomplished speakers. Ryan actually has greater credibility than Romney at this point, and it is unlikely that Ryan will flip flop or lie, as Romney seems to have done in the first debate.
Telling the truth may be good or bad for the ticket however. Ryan's views have been a bit extreme in the past, including medicare vouchers. Medicare vouchers might work in poor states, but in rich states where everything is more expensive, they probably would not work. So the question is, do the swing state voters of Florida, with its high retireee population, want vouchers or not? This VP debate should help give them a clear choice.