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About Shoobee

  • Birthday 08/31/1919


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  • Location
    CCCP (Calif)
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Office job in the cityscape
  • Interests
    Rifle and Bowhunting

Shoobee's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. Politics like religion is full of partisanship and BS. There is always enough of both to go around. Anyway so much for the phone issue. The VP debate will be next, on this coming Thur 10/11/2012. It will be interesting to see Biden and Ryan. They are both from the Senate and accomplished speakers. Ryan actually has greater credibility than Romney at this point, and it is unlikely that Ryan will flip flop or lie, as Romney seems to have done in the first debate. Telling the truth may be good or bad for the ticket however. Ryan's views have been a bit extreme in the past, including medicare vouchers. Medicare vouchers might work in poor states, but in rich states where everything is more expensive, they probably would not work. So the question is, do the swing state voters of Florida, with its high retireee population, want vouchers or not? This VP debate should help give them a clear choice.
  2. We tend to see a lot of fawn bones scattered around our county archery park. The deer here are plentiful and the coyotes start yelping just at dusk. When your neighbor's fence when up, it must have been across a popular deer trail, and the doe must have hopped over it, with the fawn being unable to. That's my CSI analysis. So I would not blame Mother Nature as much as your neighbor. For some oddball reason he chose to raise a really high fence. Wonder what he/she is worried about?
  3. I have found that snow assists with hunting. Just need to wear warmer sox etc.
  4. Stick with camo or black. The deer like those the best.
  5. I liked Sarah Palin. She was a firecracker. Apparently John McCain liked her too. Maybe a bit too much even. This joke also fits with W. together with Dick Cheney. Or with just about anybody.
  6. Bowhunting is where you learn to read trails, sign, and how to stalk up close. It is a good warmup for the rifle season to follow.
  7. Shoobee

    Made me laugh

    I thought Johnny's girlfriend was always Susie?
  8. I always buy 2 tags each year. I use the first one to kill the first thing that is legal, to stock the freezer. I use the second one for a greater challenge. Not sure how you were able to kill 6 deer last year. What state is that???
  9. California is not a swing state, you are correct WTN. And it would be shocking if it became one. Reagan already fooled everyone here twice, so the people here are not in the mood to be fooled again by tax cuts for the rich or trickle down economics. The swing states are Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, and Colorado, with a few more that off the top of my head don't come to mind immediately. Romney needs to grab them all to catch up and pass Obama. Obama only needs one or two and then the party is over and you can turn out the lights for the Repubs. There will be 3 more debates to help the swing staters decide.
  10. No, I think Obama was exhaused, tired, and stressed. Probably annoyed at some of Romney's fake facts too. The fact checking has now begun in earnest. Obama needs to rest up more before the next one. He may have been a bit overconfident going into this one. Overconfidence normally always goes before a fall. Romney demonstrated for the first time that he can talk the talk. Nobody knows yet about walking the walk. He just might turn out to be another Carter or G.H.W.Bush himself. That's why it will take 312 million people paying attention and voting in order for democracy to solve this problem of whom to trust for the next 4 years.
  11. Vermont and Arizona are beautiful states and the residents there are very lucky that their state legislatures allow them all the full rights of the 2nd Amendment, unlike every other state. In every other state besides Vermont and Arizona the wrong people have obviously been elected to the state legislatures. Since Scalia stated that the states clearly (to him it is clear at least) have the right to regulate possession and carrying of firearms, although not also ownership in their homes which Scalia defines himself as keeping AND bearing, then Vermont and Arizona should be safe for the foreseeable future from any federal intrusion into those rights. I feel so sorry for the rest of us in the other 48 states that either cannot keep and bear arms or that must pay a fee/tax to do so.
  12. Opinions are like ... and everybody has got one. Nothing wrong with that though. The open mind is an empty mind, as someone once said. Not sure who said it first. Googled it and got a slew of irrelevant results. I think it is fair to remember that in the USA there are always going to be 312 million different opinions, and it is only by the power of democracy that a majority of them will be able to agree on a leader for the entire body politic. We elect our presidents, governors, and mayors as in a democracy, like ancient Athens. Whereas we elect our senators and representatives at the federal, state, county and city level as in a republic, like in ancient Rome. It is amusing to me when someone from Wisconsin says they cannot understand why someone voted for Obama rather than for McCain the last time. Especially after the fundamentals of our economy are so sound, and what not. Go figure.
  13. Shoobee

    Male Sensitivity

    I liked the part about being in this together. Very kinky that way.
  14. Wisconsin is not a swing state. You can be amazed all you want that the rest of the nation does not think like the cheesehead state.
  15. Social Security and Medicare are not freebie's. They are paid-in programs. Whether it is better to try to control Medicare costs by placing caps on hospital costs or by issuing vouchers is the salient issue. As far as freebie's to college aged kids who want a handout for college, the military offers scholarship and benefit programs for college. So those other freebie's can be eliminated. As far as freebie's for foreign aid, only Ron Paul has openly spoken of getting rid of foreign aid. The Egyptians and the Israelis would then squawk and complain about that. And there would also likely be more embassy bombings as well, so more embassies would need to be closed. Freebies like 15% tax rates on the rich definitely need to go. Even Reagan himself, the great guru of the right wing, agreed on getting rid of capital gains tax rates under simplification. But G.H.W. Bush brought them back barely before the ink was dry on Reagan's reforms. There are enough freebie's to go around.