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About speedjunkiejp

  • Birthday 02/15/1984


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speedjunkiejp's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. Re: Team 3 - Counting Tines Looks like I will finally gettin hit the woods again this weekend! Been a little busy with work but just completed a major milestone in project. Trying to decide with I want to sit with my bow or rifle.
  2. Re: 4-wheeler issues, Yamaha Bruin 350 Daughters grizzly 125 did the same. Drain all gas, clean the cath really good, replace gas and give her a go.
  3. Re: Team 3 - Counting Tines It's still hot here :-( lows are still mid to high 60
  4. Re: Team 3 - Counting Tines I'm headed back to the woods this weekend.
  5. Re: 2 or 3 blade rage You must have a big family to feed. That's also a reason why Florida will never be known for big deer.
  6. Re: Team 3 - Counting Tines I struck out this past weekend. It was too hot and they really haven't started moving yet. Going to head back up next weekend and give it another shot.
  7. That's the plan. Doe with the bow then buck later.
  8. Hernia? What type of hunting? I had hernias repaired laproscopic and I was back at work within a week but I work in an office. Hunting u would say as long as you have help to lift the deer then a few weeks.
  9. Mathews Solocam 30 length 70 weight. Ics hunter 400 with Muzzy 125gr tips.
  10. I'm getting ready for opening day of bow this weekend.
  11. Normally that is triggered by a bad sensor or a leak. Get a manual and check the evaporate canister.
  12. No issues here lol. If no other suggestions by noon tomorrrow we can make if that.
  13. I wish my atv only cost 5k lol. But I hear ya. Been on the lookout for an older tractor.