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About robbiethekid

  • Birthday 09/28/1989


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  1. How far do deer travel? According to biologists a deers natural travel zone and living area is usually 1 sq. mile. During a rut, drought, or poor food source it will be a much greater distance.
  2. budget shotgun I don't know exactly where you're located or if the Walmart near you carries them... But I bought an remington 870 super mag all realtree camo from there for a dog driving briar beater gun/ turkey hunting so i dont beat up my nice wingmasters, 1100s, and browning a5s if you know what i mean. It was brand new for $357.00 pretty awesome price for such a nice gun. Might wanna check it out. More then happy with mine. Hope it helps.
  3. Awesome... Agreed at least 40 mm on end. I have a bush ell trophy hunter on my cva an I love it. Awesome clarity and extremely accurate and I think a got it for $125 a few seasons ago
  4. Opinion on new arrows? Definitely agree with Hoosierhunter. A good way to look at it for gpi in an arrow is... If you have a semi truck rolling down a hill at 45 mph and you have a Honda civic rolling down a hill at 55 mph. And they both are going to crash into the same sized object. What do you think is gonna do more damage ? Your arrow choice is the same way heavier spine means more impact which will give you that pass through even at a slower speed.
  5. Mathews VS Hoyt I've always shot Bowtech and have been more then satisfied with its results, but if I was to buy another line it would be a Hoyt. Just shot the carbon element and carbon matrix as well as the vector line and I must say I was extremely impressed. Great balance and very nice release. And I agree with turkey girl. Elite bows are something to check. Very smooth and very little sound.
  6. What do you do? Yeah I feel your frustration Darrell. I have a out a 110 acres in new kent, va. I brought my buddy down to the house for a bow hunt and explained to him that I we only shoot bucks here that are mountable. He proceeded to take a small 5 pointer with his bow that evening... So I feel the pain. I would have a sit down with the older gentleman and just make it a point that y'all are managing the area. A man that has hunted that long should have killed enough deer to let the small ones walk. Stay true to management if that's what you like to do, it is hard at my club land because so many others don't manage. But we stay true to it to knock the big ones down.
  7. gun question I'm pretty sure the law states that a person under 21 can't own or carry a handgun. It can be a gift but just couldn't leave the property until person is of age. And would have to be registered to parent or guardian. That's basic USA law. But look in to law more for your state and area to see what differs.
  8. What Semi-Auto? The benelli's are amazing however I prefer the M2 to the SBE2. The back weight just seems to feel a little better. But myself I have always been diehard remington & browning. You can get a nice used 3 1/2 rem. 1187 or browning gold or silver hunter under 1k. I have a I'm not so partial to 3 1/2's as I have a bunch of rem. and brown. 2 3/4's and 3" but I did buy the browning silver lightning ( just like the silver hunter just glossy wood) in 3 1/2 an i love it. Very light weight, goes up nicely. Cycles all size shells with ease. And after 2 seasons have no issues. And it's a great looking gun. Just some food for thought.
  9. Figuring out the rut I'm on the same with deer slayer. Where I'm at in va. Bucks have been chasing like crazy since last weekend in October. Kind I early for us.
  10. New toy on the way !!!!!!!! Just an idea for ya. There's a company I go through the sporting goods store near me that sends guns, bows, etc to get dipped in any camo pattern you want and it's not a bad price. I got an 870 express I had as a briar beater dipped in realtree ap and it looks awesome and the finish holds up great. Just an idea for ya.
  11. Deer Dogging I actually love coon hunting as well. I do like deer dogging more but coon hunting Is a different kind of excitement and adventure in my opinion. My cousin is all big into that tournament coon hunting dog stuff so we go quite often and yes I've climbed a few of those oak trees u speak of. In my experience driving dogs for deer and chasing after coon dogs is equal amount of work, I'm just tired after doing them.
  12. Deer Dogging Well this is exactly the way I would expect this topic to go lol from mid west and the north are against it. And the southerners are 100% for it. Well just to put input in. I'm from the Virginia and deer dogging is very big here too. I manage and run my own hounds as well as the president of my hunting club. I wouldn't trade dog season for any other type of hunting out there. It is pure adrenalin and nothing compares to it. I understand you others with your view on fair kill but you can't knock it untill you've tried it. And whether y'all would admit it or not, your heart would be pounding seeing some of the chases. I had a fella who worked with me from Minnesota that was totally against it, I bet him he would love it and finally after buggin him enough he went. To get the point.... He now owns 12 walkers and lives and breathes dog season. Not all will feel the same I'm sure but it's just something amazing for the ones that have grown up with it. I have killed 11 massive mountable bucks in front of dogs since I have been doing it so it pays off as well as my still hunting has. My answer to everyone... Do what you love with hunting and respect others who do the same, whether it's the same way you do it or not. Lets keep the brotherhood of hunting together and respect all who keep that tradition alive, because eventually there will be a time whether its our generation or the next or a few down the line where that tradition will be no more ...
  13. I'm sure there's a lot of folks on here that don't agree with dog Huntin for deer but I'd like to see the ones who do enjoy it. Lets here some good stories of club hunts and kills that just gets the blood flowing!
  14. How long to let a wounded deer lie? When in doubt, back out. and wait till the next morning
  15. Knives I've always used cutco knives. Had the same one for ten years now and it seems to never dull. Schrade blade on it is awesome. It's always on my side during the season