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About darrellva

  • Birthday 05/09/1982


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  1. What do you do? I guess I should clear what I should of said about my wife and daughter they want bigger then what they have already killed I don't care what they shoot as long as they are happy with it. They see what's on my wall and want to have there own big boys on the wall. This I am proud of cause they have listened to me over the years talk about management practices. I know we loose small bucks to other hunters around my land but the way I look at it is every one I let walk is that much close to being a year older. I guess when I posted last night I was just a little mad. I guess I just needed to vent a little thanks for letting me.
  2. I have two property's leased they almost touch each other There's a piece of land about 600 yards wide that divides the two. One property I have had for 8 years the other 4 years. My uncle hunts with me and puts just as much time in on them as I do. There is a older man that hunts with us as we'll and he is not able to do a lot of the work but does help us pay for food plot things. For the last 7 years on property 1 and 4 years on property 2 we have taken nothing but 3.5 or older bucks. We shoot no fawns to take out the chance on buttons being shot. We keep check on doe numbers and really have no rules on does. Well the old man shot a spike on opening of ml knowing it was a spike. I was up the road on another lease all day and when I called him that night He told me he shot the 10 pt. I didn't find out till later by my uncle it was a spike. Well this afternoon my uncle shot a button buck after on our way to hunt we talked about how the buttons can be seen on there head now. I should say this my daughter is 9 and she does not have to go by our rules all I have asked of her is she shoots bucks bigger then what she has already killed which as of now is a 4 pt. she is fine with that and don't want to shoot anything smaller. Also this is my wife's first year hunting and she has same rule as daughter she killed a 4 pt with her crossbow first day she had ever hunted. The bottom line is I am about ready to throw my hands in the air and give up on my management. I have set and let several small bucks walk by some as close as 10 yards of my stands and did no more then take a picture or video of them. What should I do?
  3. Arrow rest. I to use a WB and shot blazers out of it till about two years ago. I switched back to feathers when I found the two inch ones. I now shoot them but I do keep a couple blazer fletched shafts in my quiver in case my feathers get soaked and lay down. With loosing some FPS while using WB what is a few when these bows now days are shooting so fast I try every way I can to slow mine down the higher the FPS the less forgiveness you get from your bow to me while hunting that is a big deal not so much in shooting targets. My uncle still shoots his1982 Jennings with aluminum shafts out a WB and knocks down an average of 5 deer a year with it. Our opening day is today he is one ridge over from me and done knocked down a mature doe. Not knocking other rest but the WB is what I will stick with.
  4. first time in stand for season. She can shoot either but only one. Seen one doe this morning we out for lunch and back in stand now jumped small buck on way back in but from the pictures on this stands camera several deer been using this plot late afternoon.
  5. Feels so good to stein stand for first time this season. Even though I not the one behind the gun it's still great knowing today youth day is the start to the season. My 9 year old daughter starting off her third season hunting with me all we need now is some movement from the deer. Good luck to all you Va youths today.
  6. Tree stands I guess I should say I have 4 leases and I normally have different wind direction set up on a lot of stand sites this being why I have so many stands.
  7. Tree stands I have 10 ladder stands, 2 tri-pods, 3 elevated box blinds, over 40 lock ons, and 1 climber.
  8. Problems with Rage? I been shooting the two blade Rage for 5 or 6 seasons now I've taken 25 to 30 deer with them and not lost the first deer I've shot so far. The blades not clicking shut has happened to me a few times but like someone said rotate the o-ring and it should fix that problem. I to have worried about the blades deploying in flight so while practicing I have taken and unhooked the blades from the o-ring and shot it them out to 30 yards I still hit my mark with each shot andy block had cuts in where the blades opened and did what they was suppose to. Again this is what I found out of my setup you may try it with yours and see if you still hit the target. It took the worry out of me but its habit for me to pop the blades loose and feel them click back on once I get in the stand and arrow goes on the rest.