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About bjohnston0311

  • Birthday 05/15/1984


  • First Name
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  • Location
    S.E. TEXAS
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    process operator
  • Interests
    hunting of any kind...mostly whitetail, tree rats, wabbit, and the corn stealing savages (hog).
  • Biography
    Husband and Father, Former Marine, avid hunter, and all around outdoorsman/redneck/country boy/cowboy/whatever else fits here.... I just like to enjoy the simple life and prefer to spend the majority of my time without a roof over my head or some sort of digital device in my immediate area.

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  1. My oldest son got his first deer! 8 point buck. - Pics outstanding! congrats to the both of you.
  2. Full day in the stand.. what do you do/ bring? 10 foot? Bowhunting? if so, please share your brand of scent killer...I have been busted every time I try to stay under 20 feet. just to clarify, I'm not trying to be sarcastic at all... I could save a lot of time and money not hanging stands 25-30 feet up.
  3. Ever run a 5 Kilometer race? ran 3 miles more than a few times in the was part of our pft (physical fitness test). at 6' and 203 lbs, the best I could put on the books was in the 19's. there were plenty of freaks that could do it in 16 and 17 minute range and never break a sweat. several years later at 6' 243 lbs.... I ran a mile and a half the other day in a whopping 30 minutes....i quickly realized I have a truck, 4 wheeler, a horse, and excellent marksmanship skills for a reason. no reason to run for or from anything...
  4. little help with score and age I say no matter what he is now, if he makes it to next year he is going to be a brute. compared to the Great Danes with antlers here in s.e. tx he is a nice take (potentially)
  5. I hate a poacher wow...sickening! in tx, we have a program called operation game thief put on by the tx parks and wildlife. they do a good job and have $$ incentives for tips leading to a conviction. they do a damn good job considering how thin spread they are in the state. poachers would much rather the game warden get them than me!
  6. Coons! don't underestimate the stories that have been told of the coon... they are vicious and carry some nasty diseases.
  7. feeling not so smart yes I am using the app. I will try the site. thanks for the help and the welcome.
  8. elite I thought about switching to an elite myself. I'm going for smooth and quiet..not a speed freak. is the elite what I'm looking for?
  9. what kind of bow do you use? Hoyt CRX 35 currently. I will be switching to Bowtech next year...probably the Assassin XL
  10. .243 or 7mm08? appreciate all the good comments.... I think sticking with the 243 will be the best option at this point. thanks again!
  11. one con from leasing from hope you don't hunt tree rats too.....they're about to be wiped out as well.
  12. how do you edit a profile on here using an iPhone? all it will let me do is change the profile pic.
  13. .243 or 7mm08? that is some good lookin trophies you have there! all taken in MO?
  14. any bunny jumpers on here I have a new pup coming at the end of October