country gal

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Everything posted by country gal

  1. No way, ha ha!! Congrats on winning that bow! Let us know how you like it when it comes in!
  2. Careers in the outdoors I have to agree with Ethan on starting out with general electives while making a decision on your major.
  3. country gal

    hey all

    hey all Better than the last several, thanks. I saw three, but wasn't able to get a shot off. But I know the new spot is where to hunt. How was yours?
  4. country gal

    hey all

    Figured I'd pop in for a minute to say hey. Haven't forgotten about the forums, I promise!
  5. I can't be the only one Was on my way home after work Tuesday night and saw four deer crossing. My thought was just my luck it's out of season and after dark when I saw them!
  6. I've been absent, but with good reason! Congrats! Wishing y'all the best!
  7. Duck Dynasty Flying High I love that show. They seem to be a down to earth family.
  8. I can't be the only one All the time.....even listen to hunting podcasts at work quite a bit!
  9. country gal

    I'm a daddy

    I'm a daddy Congrats on your bundle of joy!
  10. Boycot the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show!No assault weapon style guns! I read where it got "postponed". Statement made.
  11. BBQ Margarita Habanero Pulled Venison Yeah, that does sound good. How did it turn out?
  12. Any NYer's or Pa members around this weekend??? No clue why my comment didn't show....
  13. Any NYer's or Pa members around this weekend??? $3.63 9/10......thats about 60ยข more than here in the middle of BFE!
  14. What's everybody use for a deer rifle? Those sound like excellent choices. When I first started hunting, I was using a Savage .243 bolt action rifle. Now I'm too far into archery to turn back.
  15. Report: No AR-15 used in Sandy Hook shooting Please correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't an AR look more like a military type rifle? (Please keep in mind I'm more into archery than rifles.)
  16. I finally got my first deer! ^_^ Nice! Thanks for sharing!
  17. Remember my old buddy/room mate that started a band back in college? Not sure I've heard of him yet other than this mention, but I wish him all the best in his music career! Please tell your friend I said congrats!
  18. Newbie Intro Glad you could join us at the Realtree camp! Kick back and enjoy! Bunch of great people here. :-)
  19. New to site Welcome to the Realtree forum/camp, John. Kick your shoes off and make yourself at home.
  20. The Love Dress.... Too good!
  21. how I learned to mind my own business ROFL
  22. I was wanting to get opinions from y'all. I've heard that deer seem to have a tendency to bed down when it's windy. Has anyone noticed this to be true?
  23. Got my license! WTG! Congrats!
  24. scouting..... After yesterday, I'm figuring the rut is going good here in swampeast Missouri.