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Everything posted by Jeddington

  1. Thanks I just thought it was weird that an animal that is so cautious didn't make a response. And thanks for the welcome I've learned some interesting things already.
  2. Saturday I had a decent sized 4 point visit me. I drew back only to find the tube had come off my peep. I tried to just use the pin, but I'm not what you'd call an expert. Anyways the buck ran a few yards away and started eating. This gave me plenty of time to fix my peep and ready up. I tried a bleat and a grunt and the buck didnt even look up. Is there something I'm doing wrong or do some deer just not respond to calls?
  3. off the grid If you hunt outside of cell service id rec9mmend google maps and downloading the maps to your phone. You can use tracks and map out every where you walk. Handy if you find a place you like and want to find it easily.
  4. father in law It seems that no matter where my father in law sits deer find him. The same goes with fishing. He can present the same bait in the same spot I just fished and pull a bass out. It's pretty frustrating because I can sit in a spot with a lot of sign everywhere and not see anything yet 10 min after daylight he has a deer. And yet deer camp is what I look forward to every year.
  5. Jeddington


    in mo Here in missouri the bucks are still in their bachelor groups. I like using plain doe pee until november and then starting the estrous.