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  1. Finally filmed a successful hunt to share with you guys. This buck had us chasing him everywhere around the lease but ended in a great hunt! Hope you enjoy... https://youtu.be/y0pk_g9xC8g
  2. Trying out more of a vlog style this time, sharing our whole day of hunting rather than just one race. This video is from the second day of our Thanksgiving Weekend hunt. Lots of races and action, no shooter bucks - a lot of fun though!
  3. I hate seeing when people shoot dogs. Luckily we rarely come across that here but I see posts every now again. So sick. We've got a lease in Hendry county where there are several hog dog hunters. You're right, they use a lot of pits, mastiffs, muts... the bigger and brawnier the better
  4. Nice. We we've got four Walkers. They're incredible hunters. Our oldest dog Mojo has more spirit that I've seen in a deer dog.
  5. Thanks Mudrunner, it is thick! I'm always amazed at how the dogs run through those thick palmettos
  6. No kidding, bobcats huh? I bet that's one hell of a race. What kind of dogs do you run?
  7. Hey Ultradog, thanks man. Yeah it's legal here in Florida and definitely more of a southeastern thing. A lot of dog hunters in Florida and the Carolinas. Hopefully soon we get a nice deer cross Shelby. She's deadly with that thing. Killed her first deer in front of the dogs. Dropped it one shot.
  8. Hey everyone it's been a few weeks since we posted. Things have been busy! But we're back... every year after Thanksgiving we head up to North Florida to run dogs. First drive of the year and it didn't dissapoint. The dogs run the deer right to me! Happy holidays everyone! Here's a video of the hunt... https://youtu.be/3QX8cbKLTLU
  9. It's been 5 months since we've dropped the boat in freshwater and it feels great to back on the bass. Shelby and I tore 'em up in Alligator Alley on the top water spook and frog. More fish were landed with the spook but larger bass on the frog. Had an absolute blast. Video of our trip - https://youtu.be/R0scnGn7V74
  10. Cool video! We're too afraid the big bass would take our drone down.
  11. Sounds crazy right? We tried kite fishing for bass a few weeks back but there wasn't enough wind and one of our viewers suggested we use the drone instead. So... Shelby and I headed out into the Everglades with our DJI Phantom 3 Drone, live shiners and a fishing pole. Best part about drone fishing, you can see the fish from an entirely new (and awesome!) perspective. This was a blast!
  12. Did something a little different to practive my bow shooting before getting into the tree stand... wife set up a bow shooting challenge forme. Had a blast and actually think it was a lot more helpful than just shooting the normal target block because my heart and adrenaline were pumping the whole time! What the YouTube Video!
  13. Hey everyone - was dog hunting in Florida a couple weeks ago and a big doe jumped right out in front of me. You can see it perfectly clear on the video and if you watch you'll see it flagging as it runs away into the woods.
  14. What's up everyone, we've got an awesome new video for you! It's the first time we've captured a buck killed on camera and nonetheless while running dogs. Hope you find it as cool as we do! Let us know what you think
  15. After a lot of requests, we're excited to bring everyone a new EBOutdoors video... Dog Hunting for Deer in North Florida! This is our first time filming a dog hunt so we hope you enjoy the content. Let us know what you think and if there's anything you'd like to see in our upcoming videos. https://youtu.be/4T8Z8h8yz40