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  1. I wish I were... I would like someone to hunt with when ready/not working though... No one else I know hunts.... LOL
  2. Semper Fi... Thanks for the great advice... You are correct about the UP with the bucks/Doe... WI is probably where I'm leaning... Just want my boys to be able to have a good experience and not just sit in the woods for days on end. I feel they wouldn't want to go often if that were the case... Or you can always sell me ur oldest land for whatever you paid for it.... LOL just kidding... Thanks again for taking the time to give me some great detailed advice
  3. ANY help would be GREAT!!!
  4. So, I'm just a 38 year old dumb cop from Chicago looking to get into hunting. I hunted twice while I was a Marine Corps recruiter stationed in Harrisburg, PA. Besides that, I have pretty much no experience. I have two boys under 5 who I would love to take hunting when the time is right. (This almost sounds like a personal ad)Anyway, I am looking at purchasing some land and was hoping for a little guidance... I'm looking at purchasing around 40 acres (i know its not a huge amount of land but land ain't cheap. LOL) . I'm hoping to clear about an acre or two for a small cabin, play in the remaining 40 during the spring and summer and hunt during the fall. I was originally looking at the UP. My concern with that, is after looking at the success rate in the UP via their DNR, and also the absence of doe tags (I know its all about the bucks, but for me, its also about the meat at the same time) I'm worried that, A) I'd come up dry more times than not, and B) when my sons are younger, they will either get bored with the lack of Bucks to shoot, or C) they will get bored of not being able to shoot anything (hence why I would like an area with doe tags).I have started looking for the same size land in central WI. As you know the price of land there is about twice what it is in the UP. With all that being said (I know its such a long email, and if you took the time to read it all I truly aprecaite it), if you were looking at purchasing 40 acres, build small cabin/play/hunt and still have kids be able to have sucessfull hunt (regardless of doe or buck) which direction would you go? Also, from reading ur site and watching ur videos, I know for the most part what to look for, but is there anything I should stay away from, ie. mostly low lands, all agg lands with minimal forest?Again, thanks for reading this if you made it all the way through and I hope to hear from someone soon.