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Everything posted by ErikHimmel

  1. According to My personal opinion Samick Sage Takedown Recurve Bow can be the best pick for a women to start with bow hunting. Take a look to this lesson with buyers guide to pick one of the top 10 iconic models for beginners bow.
  2. I recently purchased a Marlin 1895 45-70 and after an afternoon of shooting I decided that I don't much care for the sights on it and am looking for a decent scope to put on it. I plan on using it mainly for deer hunting and looking for something with low magnification, possibly adjustable as long as a magnification of 2 or smaller is possible. any suggestions from anybody on what to go with? Something decent yet relatively cheap. Thanks.
  3. Hello, I'm new to using AR-15 for shooting long distant targets. Previously, I was using 30-06 rifle and the utg 3-12x44 The matter of wonder is I didn't have to spend dollars for a new scope for my AR-15. The existing scope has matched well with it. It provides a magnification of 3x to 12x that is perfect for AR-15 too.
  4. Hello. I am looking for a decent quality mtb that will last a good while and be fun to ride out on trails. I have a road bike currently and am wanting a second bike so I can go riding on trails. I do not have too much money to spend. But I do not want to buy a crappy bike. What do you guys suggest?
  5. Looking to get back into hunting whitetails this fall and will probably be with my Wife for a decent amount of that. Long story short, I see some ground blind hunting in my/our future. I've never hunted out of a blind before but I see myself buying a couple for us. Whats everyone use? And what's with this shoot through netting? How the hell does that work and not mess up arrow flight?
  6. Looking for advice on a good yet affordable universal gun cleaning kit. Not $10 Hoppes junk. Looking at the Pro-Shot PSUVKIT for around $40 – is this a good deal? Is there a better deal? Thanks in advance for any input.
  7. Thought I would ask and see if anyone would post a review of the feeder they use. I am looking to buy a couple new ones and trying to do some research. Let me know your honest opinion about the many different feeders out there. Want to know more about corn but open to reviews of both corn and protein Thanks for the help.
  8. Yes, it’s a nice hunting video. The hunter is ambushing from a ground blind and then shot the turkey right on its head. The quality of the video is also good. No obscurity at all.
  9. I've seen scopes like the one Leupold makes for the ARs and I'm sure there are others specifically for the AR's but what do you like for your AR? And why do you like it?
  10. I am looking for single deer call that produces multiple types of deer sounds ie buck, doe etc. Putting to replace 3 calls with one for a light weight pack to hike in with on my climber. saved 5 lbs so far with lightweight items. Thanks