A good backpack for bow hunting would depend on the type of hunting you plan to do and how long you plan to be out. If you plan to be out for multiple days, then you should look for a pack that has a large capacity for carrying all your necessary items, such as food and water. If you're only going out for a day, then a smaller pack with multiple compartments can work as well. As far as specific brands, I can't make any specific recommendations, but I can tell you to look for a pack that is made from durable materials and is waterproof.As for the best merchant cash advance leads, I would recommend starting with a reputable lead generation company. These companies specialize in helping businesses acquire the best leads for their specific needs. They can provide you with leads that have been thoroughly vetted and have high conversion rates. Additionally, they often provide other services such as lead segmentation, lead tracking, and lead management to make sure you're getting the most out of your leads.