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Found 5 results

  1. I'm not sure how it is in other states, but where I live the bulk of deer licenses are lottery drawn. Now, it's nice when you want to eventually draw a great area, but there's just no way to get the family together for a quality deer camp anymore unless everyone is bow hunting or just muzzleloading for whitetail does. Youth, mentored youngsters and first time adult hunters do have an advantage in that their tag is guaranteed for an any antlerless deer statewide starting September 12th-January 1st, so you can get a somewhat mixed bag of hunters in camp. It just seems like the traditional deer camp isn't feasible in many states anymore. Thoughts?
  2. How big of a factor does scent control play in your success, or how big of a factor do you make it? I have a bin of hunting clothing (various layers and early-late season gear) that I typically wash with scent free detergent and dry with Dead Down Wind dryer sheets, but that's about it. Maybe a spray or two of autumn scent once I park. What's your strategy?
  3. Has anyone tried the Wildlife Acorn Rage? I've got pretty much two weeks to have a supplement out before I have to stop. A buddy and I set up two ladder stands on public yesterday and put out a few trail cameras. We've got deer trails running just 10 yards from both stands, and I know there's a big bodied deer using it to get down to the creek in the river bottom. There are various old acorns in the underbrush, but not a lot on the trees (I'm no expert but I believe we have white oak and bur oak). I'm thinking about scattering a 15 pound bag of the powder acorn rage around the ground with the older acorns and around the stands, then freshening it up with the liquid stuff a few days before I have to stop. They also make a scent attractant, which is legal in SD during hunting season, so I figured that's what I'd use to refresh it in season. Any thoughts? Anyone with experience with this stuff? The riverbottom stand could probably get us shots out to 40, but the stand on the ridge top has about a max shooting distance of 15-20 yards with a bow. I've got four mock scrapes dug out on the connecting trails up there (two on each trail), and will put up a couple mock scrapes down in the bottom. Got a real good feeling about these spots for archery and muzzleloader season.
  4. Today, I've got this meme from a Facebook page and make a similar design like it. Here is it. I'm not hear to do marketing of this design, even I'm not asking someone to buy, instead I'm seeking advice, as you guys are passionate hunter, you know the design if good or bad. I'm going to advertise it on Facebook paid ads. That's why I need advice. Tell me if I can go for ad or not. Here is the apparel like for your reference
  5. What's up everyone, we've got an awesome new video for you! It's the first time we've captured a buck killed on camera and nonetheless while running dogs. Hope you find it as cool as we do! Let us know what you think