Indicate the lowest scoring deer you consider to be a Monsterbuck?


Indicate the lowest scoring deer you consider to be a Monsterbuck?  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Indicate the lowest scoring deer you consider to be a Monsterbuck?

    • 200+ inches (gross) nets over 170
    • 180-199 inches (gross) nets over 170
    • 165-179 inches (gross) nets over 160
    • 140-164 inches (gross) nets over 125, under 160
    • 130-139 inches (gross) nets over 125
    • 120-129 inches (gross) nets under 125

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Yet 51% feel a close to or Boone gross score is a Monsterbuck.

You are right, and that tells me that most of us feel nets are for fishing. Seems we all readily accept the B&C scoring method (as opposed to others), but don't place a lot of emphasis on the B&C minimum scores for book entry.

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If I'm hunting South Florida, anything over 120 is a monster.

If I'm hunting South Texas, anything over 180 is a monster.

Its all relative.

around here a 120 to 130 would be a monster, but like texan til i die said if you have big deer around you you can hold out for the big boys, if not you take what the area has to offer.

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