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Get a good arm guard. Most people use it to keep bulky clothing away from the bow string vs. protecting their arm. On morning hunts, before I climb down to leave, I always shoot a practice arrow at a leaf or spot on the ground. This helps me make sure that while wearing my hunting clothing, my form is still correct from an elevated position .

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I bought one of the Realtree Hunting Sleeves off of the realtree store. That thing is handy. I dont use it 100% of the time but when the clothes get bulky it really holds them around your forearm.

I personally dont practice in hunting clothes either. Most of my hunting clothes arent huge as it doesnt get that cold in Oklahoma Often.

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The shorter the brace height, the more likely you might have problems with the string hitting your clothing, as well as shooting with too long of a draw. Some guys lower their draw length and shoot with a more bent bow arm to eliminate this problem during the winter months when you have alot of clothes on. Make sure your bow fits you well, then if you have problems, an arm guard works well.

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Hello Andrew...good idea not to type in caps...it is like your yelling;).

Many pros do recommend to practice shooting in the same get up you will be hunting in. That means your hunting gear. We here in this house do 90% of our target shooting in the warm weather. So our hunting clothes would make us quite hot while practicing so we don't do it. We try to be all dialed in come mid October when our season opens. What I do do( Yeah I said do do:D) when I get dressed before going on stand is, draw my bow and see if I have any issues drawing my bow effortlessly. The Realtree armguard/sleeve wrap that Jeramie suggested, keeps the sleeve nice,tight and out the way. The hinge on the jacket sleeve you may be wearing also plays a factor in your draw. Certain hunting clothes manufacturers like Gamehide make jackets specifically to aid in the draw of a bow with heavy clothes on.

It is a good idea to practice, with the clothes you will be hunting in. No doubt.

As far as bows. Get to a pro shop and shoot as many as you can and see what feels right for you. There are BIG differences in bows and you will see those differences first hand when you shoot them.

Good Luck.

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