Tooth Pain


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Well I cracked one of my teeth that had a large filling in it, and let me tell ya I knew right away! I took a slug of cold beer and WHAMO pain that lasted 15-20 seconds that would drop a bull in it's tracks lol.

Went to the dentist and it was time for my first root canal. Having never had one I was not too thrilled of the idea of filing the nerve out of my tooth as I have had issues in the past getting fully numb for filling work.

This guy shot me 3 different places over 15 minutes time, and when he started I was still worried. I felt NOTHING! Praise the lord, absolutly nothing.:toot:

Today the back of the jawbone is a little stiff where 2 of the shots went but it was really uneventfull. I am leaving next friday for the carribean for a week and really did not want any issues while out of the country.


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