Quietest rest you ever shot


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Honestly my QAD Ultra Rest with the felt like shelf liner cut out is super quiet. I actually changed to this rest from a Zero Effect because of the noise it would occasionally make when an arrow bounced a little.

I have shot WB rests before and even though I personally do not like them I did find a couple things to quiet them down.

The first thing was if it was cold out was to rotate the arrow around so it would move the bristles around and break up any ice or snow buildup.

I also wrapped the rest brackets in shelf liner to deaden the sound.

The best thing that helped that rest be quieter was serving the bowstring so the nocks were firm on the string. I'm not sure why that helped so much but it did so I'm passing it on. I think it had something to do with keeping vibration down to a minimum. I'm not sure I just kept trying stuff until it worked or it noticeably cost me in speed or accuracy.

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Honestly my QAD Ultra Rest with the felt like shelf liner cut out is super quiet.

I have the same rest and I agree it is super quiet!

I also have a Ultra Rest but I ran into a problem when I switched bows. When I shot my Mathews it was whisper quiet. But when I switched to my Turbohawk the rest would hit the riser when it dropped. I put some rubber below it but its not as quiet as it used to be.

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Honestly my QAD Ultra Rest with the felt like shelf liner cut out is super quiet....

Yup. This is what I found to be the most quiet at draw. However, I think at the shot a biscuit does help with vibration and noise. My QS biscuit was pretty quiet though, while drawing.

Edited by dbHunterNY
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