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I've tried them on different properties and had mixed results. The biggest tract of land that I have has 3 mineral sites that are used daily durring the warm South Carolina summer, but as bow season begins in Sepember the activity around the minerals dissapears. On other propertys that I have tried it on I've had similar results on some and on others the deer never use the site no matter what the weather conditions are like. I've read somewhere that it has to do with the soil types. If your interested some of the minerals are not really expensive to try and see what kind of outcome you get.

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Do they help there antlers and keep them healthy though?

I don't have a definite answer to this, but I do know that the property that I hunt that is surrounded by cattle farms, and horse pastures has better quality deer then the other properties. The minerals have to have some effect on the deers growth but I don't know how much.

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Do they help there antlers and keep them healthy though?

Thats the whole reason I do it..feeding mineral during the winter months can add at least 10 inches to a buck's next rack..and who dont want to get their hands on more bone??, the doe's benifit too because the fawns are being carried at this time

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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First off, check to see if they are legal in your state as regulations differ on this subject. In the areas where legal for properties I manage, I mix my own with great results. I purchase 2 50# bags of trace minerals, 1 50# bag of Di-cal phosphate, and 1 50# bag of fine stock salt. and I mix all 200#'s together and then use a 5 gallon bucket at each site and replenished the sites as needed. All these supplies can be picked up at your local farm supply store. I store my extra in sealed 5 gal buckets. I normally start maintaing my mineral stations in late winter and replenish right up to a few days before season.

Just my 2 cents


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Heres a little bit of knowledge that I know and have had experience with. I work at a local feed company and know alot about animal nutrition. I put out loose mineral Feb through April. This will help in aid with bucks growing larger racks and will also help the does lactating when giving birth to the yearlings in the upcoming spring. If you read the nutrition tag on any mineral supplement it already has salt in the mixture so you really dont need to add any salt to your sites. Any local feed store carries a wide variety of mineral so choose the best product that meets your needs. In the spring i put out some protein blocks that are high in protein to help out with the developing antler growth and it will help the does stay in good condition after giving birth. It will also help with the yearlings geting a better start. At the same time I will make a few clover food plots every 3 years. Deer love clover and will eat on it year around. Its also a good fiber supplement and a good green food source through out the winter months. Ill also put out a few trophy rock's during the summer which also have a wide variety of mineral's and is also high in vitamin's. All of this will improve your overall deer heard health and weight through the winter months. I am not a big fan of plain corn because it does not have alot of nutritional value but it is a very good bait if that is what you are looking for. Hope this helps!

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Deer hit our minerals pretty well year round. Animals need minerals that they don't get from their diet. Have used several and most will work, and have mixed my own as well. Best results we have gotten have come with trophy rocks, been mostly using deer cain for the past couple years now.

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