Take a Guess...


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Amazing at what this country was able to pull together and get done in those years. A total population of people, civilian and otherwise giving it their all. If we ever see anything like that again, it will be the end for us all I believe.

Well said....I hope it's not though.

This brings back the conversation I had with my father before this last hunting season. We were talking about the expenses involved(licenses, etc.) in hunting out of state.He told me how he made extra money with his brother going around and plowing "Victory Gardens" for the neighbors.

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Amazing at what this country was able to pull together and get done in those years. A total population of people, civilian and otherwise giving it their all. If we ever see anything like that again, it will be the end for us all I believe.

I've wondered this over the past few years too. You look at those old films of people working or standing on the street and one thing is very apparent very quickly........no obesity, hardly any at all. Now it seems every other person (me included) is obese. :( Our society has become pretty soft. It's a progression I guess. We work to get to a better life, now that we have it, it actually makes us worse in the long run.

Interesting fact Chris.

I suppose due to workplace related deaths like those is the reason why OSHA was born. God Bless their souls. The war effort by those in factories was just as important. Can't get the bad guys without the tools to it with.

Boy, you got that right Anthony. No way we would have won that war had it not been for the industrial strength of America, and the strength of America in general. Working conditions sure have gotten better in the last 60-70 years too. 20,000...and that was just one city.

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