Got paged out to investigate a body on the side of the interstate.... GRAPHIC


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The investigation is ongoing. Will get autopsy report a few weeks after it is sent in. I figure DOT will pick him up around July.

Would have put him on the truck, but he was kinda wet, and a 5 foot tall wet teddy is kinda heavy and nasty. Coming back from the camp yesterday morning, I couldn't help but snap a pic. The caller described the body as "wearing brown pants and white shirt".

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Along the same lines there was a story last week on our news we get out of Memphis about a tiger on the guard rail somewhere down there. It was a realistic stuffed animal, but had a few callers calling in and reporting it. Realistic enough that one person interviewed thought it might have been an escapee from a zoo.

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i'm happy that we only have a funny story here, not a real one. too bad it wasn't smokey.

That would be a tragedy. We would lose our only expert on preventing forest fires.

Now Yogi or BoBo on the other hand are nothing but a picinic basket raiders and I don't think too many campers would miss them.

I guess we'll just have to wait for the forensic report to come back to see who it is. :)

Edited by buckee
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My question is

............ why would who ever called it in not stop and check it out ? It may have been someone injured.

Then again, just last week ( in Toronto I think ) a 66 year old woman with alzimers was outside screaming for help, alot of neighbours heard her but no one went to help or even called it in, she died.

I guess there are people in the world who just don't care about anyone else.

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We get calls to assist ppl in a life support role. The caller reported a body, the person could have been alive. Got paged 2 weeks ago to a car with a bullet hole in the windshield and a hat was laying on the headrest. Was phoned in as possible suicide, car was empty. We do assist with body retrieval and extraction (jaws) that is no fun at all.

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Guest TennesseeTurkey
We get calls to assist ppl in a life support role. The caller reported a body, the person could have been alive. Got paged 2 weeks ago to a car with a bullet hole in the windshield and a hat was laying on the headrest. Was phoned in as possible suicide, car was empty. We do assist with body retrieval and extraction (jaws) that is no fun at all.

I bet not... Ive seen those videos from driving classes

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Kinda thought the same thing Lewis, but if my wife and kids passed a murder victim i sure wouldn't want them to stop and get out.

Same here. Sad truth is anymore you just cannot be too safe. Have heard tons of stories of setups for carjackers. At least the person did call.

Last time I stopped to help someone, I have to admit I took the wife and kids home and went back in my truck, it was not a dire situation though.

Seems it should be the police/sheriff/leo responsibility on those body calls, would think they would want the least people around as possible.

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