It's time to say good-by.

Guest bowhunter56

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Guest bowhunter56

It's time for me to leave this site, it's been many years, I have met many good folks, we have gone through the death of David Ashburn, we all pulled together for him and his family, we have tried to help each other but I no longer see the family or group of members that were close.

So good-by to







And all the others that i spoke to and became close to.

I hope someone that owns or runs this site turns it around to what it use to be, but it's not fun any more....and i hope someone gets the prizes to the winning turkey team from last year, because spring will be here very soon and the next turkey season starting.

Plese delete me, my account, and profile..

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For the most part still all the same people here Andy and still those who care about other members like you mentioned and willing to step up when they can. Afraid some may have a false impression that that aspect has changed but there is still a good group here. No doubt you have stepped many times and I for one cannot say how much I appreciate your willingness to always come through helping out, I am sorry to see you leave.

Had hoped to someday own one of your calls, still hope to, guess I had probably better get another way to get in touch with you in the future.

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It is your decision to to make, Andy. I didn't get to know you all that well, but it is hard to get to know everyone here. It seems that there is more going on than just not having fun here anymore. There are times when I feel the same way you do and think of packing it up. I don't because of those friends I do have on the website. For those that don't appreciate my presence here or want to be friends, that is on them. I am still going to be here to share my experiences and my views.

To just pick up and go is puzzling. You have been a plus to this website regardless. Again the choice is yours, but please think about those friends who enjoy your company.. Nothing is as it used to be.

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