More gun control


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Here's an interesting article regarding a soon to be push by the whitehouse to increase gun control. It seems to me that he left this out of the speech on purpose so as it wouldn't get as much attention. I just got a renewal notice from the NRA the other day. I think I'll extend my subscription 5 years.

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But in the next two weeks, the White House will unveil a new gun-control effort in which it will urge Congress to strengthen current laws, which now allow some mentally unstable people, such as alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner, to obtain certain assault weapons, in some cases without even a background check.

To the best of my knowledge those deemed "mentally unstable" are not allowed to legally purchase firearms of any sort in the first place, that is unless they are buying from a private individual. Is this measure going to make private sellers be required to run background checks.:rolleyes: Enforcement of existing laws might not be a bad thing, but if they are gonna do that they need to look at some bigger problems like those that contribute to illegal weapons trade such as the immigration problem.

No surprise that the Brady bunch is pressuring to captialize on this.

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in all fairness to the gun saless side of this issue, the sheriff failed to put all the medical and violence by this guy into public knowledge. so, the loud mouthed sheriff is the real bad guy here. remember that the obama throry is to never let a crisis go to waste. just another lie to them. we have to keep up our fight.

i have asked this quesstion to gun control politicians, to their face: there are over 22,000 gun control laws on the books as we speak. will your bill guarantee more control over the criminals who use them or would your efforts be better directed at enforcing and punishing the criminals who use them.

go to your town meetings of your politicians and ask them that very thing. you'll love the pissed off look on their face because they (and you) know that you've flushed them down the toilet with the rest of the s***.

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The law does not allow anyone that has been deemed mentally unstable by a judge to purchase a firearm. If they begin to keep firearms from "mentally unstable" people who gets to decide what constitutes "mentally unstable". If you realize it or not the federal govenment can now access your medical records so if you have any history of mental instability like depression, sleeping disorders, ADD, etc. you may be deemed unstable by a standard as yet undetermined. Lot's of the U.S. population is on some sort of meds for some behavioral problem like Adult ADD or depression or has been. This opens quite a can of worms. If you are a crazy Tea Party member or Libertarian or militia member ( they have been toying with the idea of confiscating all the active militia member's high capacity magazines under the Patriot Act because it's a threat to Homeland Security) or somehow too radical by some standard, look out. Basically in order to have your Constitutional rights taken away your citizenship needs to be revoked. Right now the government is running wild and illegally in many ways. They can only continue if we cooperate.

Edited by m gardner
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