School me on a handheld GPS


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This is going to be used for more than hunting so thats why I did not place it in the hunting equipment room.

I am in the market for a GPS. This is exactly what I want. Nothing more, nothing less. I want to be able to park my truck, turn on GPS, hit a 'track me' button of some sort and walk off into the woods 10 miles. Then camp the night and walk back the line that the GPS tracked from the day before. I also want to mark certain points on a map and follow a little arrow that moves when I move to those points. And last, but not least, I want this all to be shown on an actual satellite photo of the location I am in and not on a grey background. I want to see the picture like you would see on Google/Bing Maps. I dont really care about any other features. Dont need a camera in it or a two way walkie talkie. I also want to be able to track routes while in a boat and want to see my route as a line in the water on a satellite photo.

Anybody have anything like this? Recommendations?

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I have a Garmin Oregon 450T, I love that thing, most easy, user friendly GPS unit I've ever used. Fairly expensive but well worth it. All touch screen with topos and roadmaps preloaded when you take it out of the package.

Will it do everything that I need it to do in the post above and do it all on a satellite photo? or is a greay screen with topo lines and thats all you can see?

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