How many would have shot this deer?


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I had this buck 4 yrds from me with my bow in the beginning of novermber. I let him go cause I think he is 2.5 to 3.5 kind of regret it now cause of his palmation on that one side cause its so big. I just hope he keeps it this year and gets alot bigger. That pic was just 3 or 4 days ago so he made it through the season so far just has to make the winter. attachment.php?attachmentid=6853&d=1296260338



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On a managed farm in Illinois or Iowa.....pass. West Virginia, heck yeah!! I'm not a "trophy" hunter anyhow, I just hunt some pretty decent property where I may have the opportunity to cross paths with a really good buck. I wouldn't hold off on shooting depending on what you think others would think, do what your hunting instinct tells you.

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Looks like a real nice buck to me, don't think he is a 2.5 year old, believe he is older. Bow or gun either one, no way I could pass on a deer like that here in the backyard.

If I hunted a large enough farm with neighbors practicing qdma it might be a bit different, but with so many brown its down shooters around most folks around here think I am nuts for passing up ear width and bigger 8 pointers.

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