Homebrew trailcam for sale Sony P41 [IR]


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Sony DSC P41 digital cam /Bigfoot Trailmaster control board and enclosed in a 1040 Pelican waterproof case done up in a very nice 3D camo job.WhitetailSupply Supreme Premium HE-AR glass over the flash and shutter.

High Performance Wide Angle lens for motion detection makes this a very fast picture taker, approx 1 second, with Infrared shots both day and night. Wired for 4AA externals for longer battery life

Pipe thru method to accomodate a MasterLock Python cable for security, Kwikee screw mount molded to case for ease of mounting.

One 512 Memory Stick Pro included but not the batteries shown in the picture.

Asking $200.00 tyd ........









Edited by michiganbowbender
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Sorry buckee, in order to get good color pics you have to have a whiteflash camera. This one is Infrared and there is no real flash.

There is an IR filter over the lens and consequently true color pics are impossible to get, either day or night.

Some feel Infrared is less noticeable to animals and less likely to bother them. I'm mixed on that theory, but I do know it's very hard for a human to detect.

This is an IR pic taken midday as my wife drove in the driveway. The car is indeed red, but you can detect a pinkish hue throughout the shot. This is about as good as the color gets when using an IR cam.


Edited by michiganbowbender
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