Your dream for someone else


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So, lets say you have a person in your life that you want to take on a hunt. This person is anybody you know that has always wanted to do this hunt but never had the opportunity to do it. It's your time to make their wish come true, the stars aligned just right, you found some land, found some money and are able to take this person on their hunt. You will be their walking and spotting buddy, but no shooting for you. Who would it be and and where would you take them?

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I invited my closest friend, the one that would drop anything at the drop of a hat for me and my family to an all expenses paid trip to northern Saskatchewan for whitetail. He hates the cold, I mean really really hates it but was able to sit in sub zero temps for several days before taking a buck of a lifetime.

That trip will forever be etched into our memories and I will cherish those moments till the day I die, I have been truly blessed.

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I would like to take my dad out west on a hunt for the game of his choice,weather it be an elk or a squirrel. I know that if he still had his legs and the chance he would take me anywhere I wanted to go to hunt,this would be kinda like thanking him for everything he has tought me and done for me over the years. He has always been the only hunting partner I have ever realy had and I would just like to show him how much he has done for me.

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would have to be my dad... he has never been successful in taking a large whitetail... he has always had bad luck when a big buck comes within shooting range... last year during muzzleloader season he had a big buck come up on him but he couldn't cock the hammer back because he didnt put his breach plug in all the way so he couldn't bring it back all the way... he has been hunting sice the early 70's and i would love for him to get a big buck...

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A combo hunt for my dad in Kansas: Pheasant hunting in the morning after coffee and breakfast. Dropped off at a wheat field by 9am with 4 great bird dogs. By 11am he would have his 4 birds as well as mine. Then a ride back to the lodge for lunch. Next a quiet ride out to the extra large and comfortable ladder tree stand at 1pm for a whitetail gun hunt. I'd be in the higher stand filming. After he harvested a 165 inch (200lb+) 12 point buck we'd make a call and get a ride back to the lodge for a cold beer.

He's getting older so the ideal hunt would be an easy one with a lot of action.

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Tough choice for me as I also have a couple sons that hunt now too, don't know that I could take one and leave the other behind...

My dad always wanted to go out to South Dakota for a pheasant hunt, but he doesn't get around too good these days........soooooo

I guess I'd have to take Ohiobucks out west somewhere like Iowa, Illinois, or Saskantchaspellit, so maybe he too can put a 150 on the wall. :cool2:

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Before my step father passed, it would have been him. Shame that we did not get to make it happen. Right now, my oldest daughter or my wife.

What animal would be their choice. Oldest daughter still badly wants a black bear, would be too cool to have Mike Hinkel and Steve Beilgard together with us on a hunt anywhere where there are big bears.

For the wife, a true trophy caliber deer would be the ticket. Mule deer or whitetail either one.

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There are more than a few I would like to take on a dream hunt. Some here on this website if I had the means.I kicked around some ideas, but need to do a little more research on the possibilities.

Before my step father passed, it would have been him. Shame that we did not get to make it happen. Right now, my oldest daughter or my wife.

What animal would be their choice. Oldest daughter still badly wants a black bear, would be too cool to have Mike Hinkel and Steve Beilgard together with us on a hunt anywhere where there are big bears.

For the wife, a true trophy caliber deer would be the ticket. Mule deer or whitetail either one.

That is very thoughtful of you, William. Like lilmiss, I would like to get another crack at a big black bear myself. It seems like we left something in Alaska. I know if we would have had better planning and more time we could of possibly had a bearskin for the new house.

I'll admit here that I should have maybe used my binoculars more than my camera on that trip. On the way to the trail head from Carter Lake to meet the girls I snapped a couple of pictures of a glacial stream off in the distance. In looking at the closer photo back at Kathleen's, Terry noticed what may have been bears. It is hard for me to tell, but there are a couple of black spots in the heavy Alaskan bush that could very well be. Kathleen did mention that she talked to a hiker that was headed down off the lake who had spotted a pair of bears on the lower end of Crystal Lake. Fairly close for a bear.

Anyway, it would be a hoot to go after it again with Steve B along. That would be a blast as a matter of fact! :D



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Me it would be a choice between my dad and my gramps. My dad hasnt been on a hunt anywhere if probably 20 years. He has done so much for me and been such an influence on me that I want to return the favor. He had a stroke a few years ago and a year before that he was in an accident at work so now he has a hard time even deer hunting. The doctors think he is going to end up in a wheelchair someday so I would like to take him while he still can go.

My gramps has been equally as influential. He worked hard his whole life and became very successful. He took me on my first elk hunt when I graduated high school and put me through college. Someday I would like to return the favor and take him somewhere.

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My dad and brother (I have to be a bit selfish on this detail) on an elk hunt in Colorado. Its been my dads dream for us to spend some time up there together but financially neither of them will ever make it happen.

Dad still talks about it and he knows it will likely never happen. I would love to give them both that hunt but paying the way of two more is definitely not in my finances.

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Ummm Mike those were not bears..... I stalked them myself LOL.

Gotta love good optics though and Alaska was beautiful.


Just what I thought, Kirk. I had a hard time seeing them, too. I feel better now. :D

One thing for sure is that I would like to get back to Alaska one day. Beautiful is an understatement.

My dad and brother (I have to be a bit selfish on this detail) on an elk hunt in Colorado. Its been my dads dream for us to spend some time up there together but financially neither of them will ever make it happen.

Dad still talks about it and he knows it will likely never happen. I would love to give them both that hunt but paying the way of two more is definitely not in my finances.

A mule deer hunt is my brothers dream, but there too, it would be hard to pay the way. He talks about it until financing comes up. Not easy, but I guess we can still dream. Who knows? Maybe one day.

Edited by ruttinbuc
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