Hogs gone Wild


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Has anyone else seen this show, think it's on Natgeo or something close to that. They just had a 350lb boar in the woods, so they get a dog after it? I don't understand why they just don't shoot them on the spot where applicable, especially one like that. But what they did do was get two dogs after yet, and then they still killed it, but with a knife. Also another crew catches them with a dog, then ties them up? I just don't get it. Anyone got some insight?

Edited by Gator
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Inlove that show,pretty interesting. I know I would just shoot them but I'm sure there is a good reason for them not doing it,I don't like the idea of hunting with the dogs either. If they were real men they would run them down and jump on there backs themselves and put the knife through there heart. I think it comes on the discovery channel.

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Same thoughts here. Why catch them in a pen and then make a big deal out of going into the pen to catch them. Just get it over with... the .22. Secondly this ranch has 100's of hogs feeding from the feeder and they catch one boar with the dog. Like that's gonna make a big difference!

Last, they keep showing that one hog in the intro with those "RED EYES". Come on guys, stop trying to make the hog more then he really is (nice photoshop work).

good luck to all

the dog

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I see nothing wrong with catching them with dogs or killing them with a knife if it is done for the purpose of bleeding them out. Not sure if that is the case with this show. Folks around here will catch wild hogs the same way and put them in pens on their property. Hogs will usually tame down within a week or so after being penned. Fatten them buggers up and off to the butcher they go.

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I see nothing wrong with catching them with dogs or killing them with a knife if it is done for the purpose of bleeding them out. Not sure if that is the case with this show. Folks around here will catch wild hogs the same way and put them in pens on their property. Hogs will usually tame down within a week or so after being penned. Fatten them buggers up and off to the butcher they go.

I sure support killing hogs just about any way you can get them. Dogs are one of the best ways to do it. I've killed quite a few and trapped plenty too, but never have hunted them with dogs. The guys I know do it with bay dogs, then turn the pits on them, sometimes physically ripping the hog's nose off his face, or tearing half it's face off. Sometimes the dog's faces are so tore up it takes a trip straight to the vet to get them sewed back up (normally they have some body armor on). Shoot them, stab them, kill them with a bow, whatever, just not a fan of dog fights.

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I sure support killing hogs just about any way you can get them. Dogs are one of the best ways to do it. I've killed quite a few and trapped plenty too, but never have hunted them with dogs. The guys I know do it with bay dogs, then turn the pits on them, sometimes physically ripping the hog's nose off his face, or tearing half it's face off. Sometimes the dog's faces are so tore up it takes a trip straight to the vet to get them sewed back up (normally they have some body armor on). Shoot them, stab them, kill them with a bow, whatever, just not a fan of dog fights.

I see your point. It all comes down to the training of the dog. Just like a retriever, a catch dog needs to be trained to do just that....catch, not fight. Personally I like to hunt hogs by spot and stalk.

As for the show, just like 99.9% of hunting shows, it is "hollywooded" up. LOL

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I have been wondering the same thing. Nuisance hogs? Lobby the legislature to legalize nightvision scopes and silencers to be used over bait, if it's not already legal. If it is, DO IT! That would certainly knock down the population by greater margins and not injure dogs. How could that and trapping not seriously dent the populations? I am speculating here as we flat don't have them.

I would be willing to retire early and spend the bulk of the winter roaming the south whacking and stacking if I had to do it to serve my fellow man.

Somebody that has a clue-tell me what is wrong with my plan before I put in my 2 weeks notice!


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Nothing wrong with tha plan other than it getting old for you, Chris. I'd let fe;;ow man do his fair share. You can't do it all, lol!

Yep, I relate it to the Jerry Springer show and some of the fights there. Sensationalism meant to get your attention no doubt. The best is an old Swivel Limb advertisement tape that has guys jumping on the pigs with spears....

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I have been wondering the same thing. Nuisance hogs? Lobby the legislature to legalize nightvision scopes and silencers to be used over bait, if it's not already legal. If it is, DO IT! That would certainly knock down the population by greater margins and not injure dogs. How could that and trapping not seriously dent the populations? I am speculating here as we flat don't have them.

I would be willing to retire early and spend the bulk of the winter roaming the south whacking and stacking if I had to do it to serve my fellow man.

Somebody that has a clue-tell me what is wrong with my plan before I put in my 2 weeks notice!


We can hunt them 24/7/365 here with bait and no permits required. Try handling ten big hogs a week and it starts to get like work. Also they move out fast under pressure.

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I would think that you set up a bait station, give it 2-3 days for the pigs to find it, then use your suppressed, NV equipped semi-auto rifle to take them down. Pigs to processor-mostly for donation to the needy, pack gear up and move on. While the pigs are finding the bait at one location, we are off scouting the next 2 or 3. Maybe have a couple or 3 feeders so you can be shooting somewhere every night.

Have a camper for accommodations, a truck to haul it all, and a couple guys to keep you company/share the work. Would have to have a network feeding you leads to keep you busy.

Would landowners pay for a serious operation like that to roll in for a few days? Say flat fee for showing up and putting in the effort and a per head bonus?

Hmmmmmm. Spending too much time thinking about this. Nice diversion from our snow-induced shutdowns up here.


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We just don't have that kind of number in most of my area. I would imagine some would pay for a service like that in Texas, or FL, but you also have folks stacking them up from helicopters.

I do think taking hogs at night with NV scopes on a nicely suppressed 300 Whisper sounds like a load of fun.

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I never saw that show, but id did see the episode on Natgeo - Wild Justice a couple weeks ago where the filmmakers were really portraying dog hunters(hunting hogs) as the worst kind of scum (may be illegal there???). I do have a good friend in southern Georgia, & I learned firsthand that dog hunting is deep tradition down there- rabbits, coon, deer, bear, hogs you name it. Those boys just arent interested in still hunting. Im surprised that there arent some deep south boys on here defending their sport.

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