Commitment shy fish??


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Got a question for you all.....It seems that in the last couple weeks of ice fishing, the trout aren't "committing" to their bites. They will take the bait and a little bit of line out, but nothing is biting hard enough to get hooked. We haven't changed our set up any, so everything should look the same under water. Is it just a seasonal thing, or maybe we should change the set up somehow??? The bass seem to like it, but I don't like the bass! LOL

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Re: Commitment shy fish??

"Commitment shy fish??" That's a riot! I've met a lot of those. Actually it could be that the offering is too large, or small or you may need to try a smaller diameter line. Perhaps less flash or more. Sometimes it's the very small details that make the difference.

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Re: Commitment shy fish??


Meet me at the Hiram Dam April 1st and I will give you all the bass! LOL

We are using a light line, so I don't think that would be the problem...and the bait are all different sizes, so don't know if that is it either. Maybe it is just me because Pete went out yesterday by himself and got a couple nice trout.

Must be all male fish since they won't commit! LOL j/k

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Re: Commitment shy fish??

Try going to micro-size maits and 2 pound line with a small knot. If you're using bait, try just a tiny piece of it. There are times I've noticed that scent from your hands, whether it's from filling up at the gas station or hand lotion can be transferred to your presentation and will give you a negative reaction. Another posibility is that the fish you are going for are neutral or inactive. Look for another school suspended at the same depth as these, but in open, deeper water.

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Re: Commitment shy fish??


Must be all male fish since they won't commit! LOL j/k

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and you said i was sexist.... grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif...j/k

Are you using any weight?? Try a smaller hook and giving the fish a completely slack line, I experiance this with steelhead now and then, those are the things i try, when that fails its all about a quick, hard the hook home.

tight lines to ya


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