How's the storm your way?


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I feel blessed that I had today off from work, looks a bit icy outside. Alot of schools closed. But as I sit here, blowing my snuffy nose from this stupid cold, it really is not as bad as the weather people were predicting. In my area anyway.

Sometimes they over exaggerate a little bit,lol.

How did the rest of you get hit by the storm?

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Not bad here Ruth, we had enough warning this was coming so they got a lot of salt on the roads yesterday. I plowed the little bit of snow we had yesterday then hit the drive with some salt so I was in good shape as well. we only got about a 1/4" of ice so the power stayed on most places. Hope you feel better.

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Almost entirely an ice event for us. Got a 1/4" of ice Monday night into Tuesday, then nothing, then around 7 last night the ice started up again, probably got another quarter to half inch of ice overnight, but temps warmed up above freezing and knocked all the ice off. Lots of wind last night, lost power around 10, came back on an hour later, but lost it again at some point last night. (we have a generator, so I didn't even know power was out until I got up). Primary power came back on around 9 this morning, and now it's snowing and blowing, although the sun is trying its best to poke through.

Pretty wild event. 2 days off from school. :cool:

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Just enough wet stuff to put a crust on top of a couple feet of white stuff. Made the roads and sidewalks nice and greasy now that it's getting colder.

Not too bad though. Typical weather for the snowbelts.

Same in NW PA snowbelt....but we only got about 16" of crusted stuff. No school here today and it sounds like my wife and kids spent some time outside clearing the stuff away from the house, now I just got to get from here to back there tonight and this "storm of all storms" is about wrapped up.

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Depending on what channel you watch we got at least 15" of snow. Have heard as high as 20". Only one vehicle has been able to make it to our house. A big front wheel assist tractor and they had to drive in the field beside the road. The road itself is completely impassible because the snow drifted real bad. My brother in law said there is a couple spots in our road that have about 18' of snow. I think he is exaggerating a little but I bet he isn't that far off. It will be a while before we our road gets cleared. Now it's just windy and cold. Supposed to hit -10F tonight.

Edited by Washi
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Depending on what channel you watch we got at least 15" of snow. Have heard as high as 20". Only one vehicle has been able to make it to our house. A big front wheel assist tractor and they had to drive in the field beside the road. The road itself is completely impassible because the snow drifted real bad. My brother in law said there is a couple spots in our road that have about 18' of snow. I think he is exaggerating a little but I bet he isn't that far off. It will be a while before we our road gets cleared. Now it's just windy and cold. Supposed to hit -10F tonight.

Now that I think about it I bet he said 8-10'. We have had ones that deep before with less snow many years ago.

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