Stand up please


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"Under God" was added in 1954.

I prefer the original version and say it as loudly as I can when reciting the pledge:

I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands: one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Thankfully we live in a secular nation and aren't required to say it one way or another. We even have the freedom to not say it at all if we want.

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Had a kid give me an eye roll one morning when I turned around and told him to stand up and join in as we started the pledge.

He didn't like me much the rest of that day, or a few days after that when I told him I'd like to ship him out to armpits like Haiti and bastions of "freedom" like Cuba. Of course, I was smiling all the time, but he got my point. :gunsmilie:

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this is one of the most interesting threads I can remember I find it interesting that of all the words in the pledge the words under god are the most controversial. I personally find the word indivisible to be interesting seeing as the nation has been devided in the past, and to some extent today from state to state I mean my liberties from state to state are not the same for example concieled carry of a handgun, or marajuana use (not my thing but I try not to judge), or what I can or cant do to the car I drive due emmisions, and just to throw this out there I dont care if gays get married

I do however like the fact that In God We Trust is on my money

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