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I took a voluntary layoff from a second shift factory job making pretty decent money after our second daughter was born, and have been taking care of the kids being a stay at home dad and taking care of our small farm since. My wife being a RN making considerably more money than me it just made good sense, and with my older daughter starting school at that time, being on second shift I would have never seen her.

Well, I got a call from the wife the middle of last week asking me if I would be interested in taking a maintence job at the health care facility she works at, seems the current maintenance supervisor had been mia for some time and noone could find him. My wife is the assistant director of nursing there,and she mentioned me to the administrator and he wanted to meet me. Told her I am not sure if I am really qualified, but I guess I would go ahead and talk with the administrator.

So I quickly filled out an application Friday morning before she headed off to work, did not even have all the information, she takes it in, and later she calls me and says come on in for an interview this afternoon. I meet the administrator, a really nice guy and he really did not ask much at all in the way of what I would have expected in an interview, just a couple of how would you handle this situations type questions which I felt were very easily answered. Then he lead me around the building and asked if I was interested and told me a figure. Said he would make a decision the end of this week.

Monday comes around and my wife calls from work and says the guy over all the maintenance for this companies 5 facilities wants to meet with me along with the administrator on Tuesday. So I go on in and meet this guy, another really nice guy and he asks a few questions and I answer as best as I can. He tells the administrator he likes me, but says it is his call. The administrator offers me the job, which pays a slightly better than average income for this area and I accepted it.

So we get all the learning center(daycare) arrangements made for our 3 year old today, and I start Monday. My youngest daughter, will be 4 in July, will likely get to start preschool this next school year depending on whether or not the state passes through some new leigslation allocating a percentage of lottery funds towards preschool for all children over 4. Timing of this really cound not have been any better. I was looking at going back to school or work when my youngest daughter started school, just going to be a little sooner that we were planning.

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Re: timing


Good deal William. Sounds like you'll save on gas too, since you and Katrina will be commuting to the same place.

Can you stand to be around her that much? wink.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Wont be working the same hours exactly, so commuting together wont really be an option. Pretty likely I will go in earlier and get off earlier.

Not really sure how much I will see Catrina at work.

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Re: timing

William, Its very refreshing to hear of someone who underestimates their skills. Your wife probably has the respect and admiration of her employers as well for the same reason.

People like you and your wife make Bosses look good wink.gif

Congratulations to you and I hope you have a great career there!

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