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I was at home with the kids and couldn't be there. Coverage showed folks tailgated all day leading up to it and the stadium was full. High temps were single digits with a nasty wind causing us to have wind chill advisories going into effect this evening. No doubt Packers fans bleed the Green & Gold.

The biggest impression I got from watching the welcome home was...."Humbled". Very cool!

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I loved the reception that Driver got. It was certainly well deserving. On the other hand Thompson and Murphy have the personality of a stick of gum.

Driver is probably still smiling........though it could be because his face didn't thaw out yet:clown:. I thought McCarthy actually broke out of that shell a little during the Super Bowl week. At the celebration, he seemed very genuine and honored. Ted Thompson on the other hand probably should have attended in his game box and addressed the team and fans from there. He was under-dressed and frozen almost to where he couldn't spit out the words. Mayor Jim Schmitt was a total baffoon! Was he drunk? He rips the mic from Wayne Larrivee and nearly knocks over the new McCarthy Way street sign. He looked all messed up. I thought he may pull a Joe Namath and tell someone he wanted to kiss them. :clap:

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Mayor Jim Schmitt was a total baffoon! Was he drunk? He rips the mic from Wayne Larrivee and nearly knocks over the new McCarthy Way street sign. He looked all messed up. I thought he may pull a Joe Namath and tell someone he wanted to kiss them. :clap:

LOL! You and were thinking the same thing. The mayor was definately messed up. His hands were shaking so bad.

A bunch of people boo'd the Governor. Is he that disliked?

For such a nice ceremony and being as cold as it was, they would have dressed better. Most of the players were in sweat pants????

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A bunch of people boo'd the Governor. Is he that disliked?

Our new Gov. is a pretty conservative Republican. Those that booed were probably the out of work union folks that helped shovel out the stadium for $8/hr or the state employee that may have to contribute to their health care here shortly.

Green Bay's Mayoral race kicks off here very shortly with a primary election. Mayor Schmitt's opponents are accusing him of issuing Coach McCarthy his own street name to help drum up fan support at the polls. It has been in the news here the last day or so.

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