The Big One Is Home


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I picked up my mount Monday afternoon of the B&C class buck that I killed while bowhunting in Kansas this past November. He sure looks bigger now to me. Maybe it's because I haven't seen him since the end of November. I hung him up last night over the fireplace. I had to move 2 other mounts that I had up there. He sure dwarfed those other 2. Oh well now it's time to contact an official scorer from the list that Boone & Crocket sent me and get him officially scored. After that's finished I'll start the P&Y scoring and entering process too. Here is is. cool.gif


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Re: The Big One Is Home

Rhino--great buck and beautiful mount. I also like the arrowhead plaque.

I also have my mounts over the fireplace but we don't burn it very often. My taxidermist told me the worse place to mount a deer is over the fireplace. I guess the heat is bad on the mount.

congrats again


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Guest finnlander

Re: The Big One Is Home

WOW, I hate it when you have that grueling task of contacting Boone Crocket and P & Y. Man what a pain. grin.gifgrin.gif AWESOME BUCK AND TAXIDERMY ---> CONGRATS

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Re: The Big One Is Home



Rhino--great buck and beautiful mount. I also like the arrowhead plaque.

I also have my mounts over the fireplace but we don't burn it very often. My taxidermist told me the worse place to mount a deer is over the fireplace. I guess the heat is bad on the mount.

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Yeah, I heard this too!

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Re: The Big One Is Home

Hey Al...that sure is a great deer, but the question is...."Are you gonna hang up ALL the arrows you had to put in that monster to keep him down"..........if I have a chance at one like that, he would look like a pin cushion if he didnt go down with the

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